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模糊语用策略在商务谈判中的运用使语言具有很大的灵活性,把输出的信息模糊化。避免过于确定。让谈判者进退自如。避免谈判陷入僵局,留下必要的回旋余地:T am afraid that the proposal you put forward just now isn't up too much. Yourpresentation makes me feel a little too—you know what I mean.上述中的isn't up too much, you know what I mean都是模糊性语言、涵义很广,没有明确的界限.让人灵活地去理解。模糊性的语用策略还能用较少的代价传递足够的信息,并对复杂的事物做出高效率的判断和处理。例如:Our business policy is very clear, and our enterprise credit is also known to all.谈判者在当时情况下对问题不做正面回答。避免出现不利的形势,摆脱在此问题上与对方纠缠。另外模糊语用策略还能起到
渲染的作用.从心理上战胜对方:T' m sure you will find our
price most favorable. Elsewhere prices for hardware have gone
up tremendously in recent years. Our prices haven't changed
同时,模糊语言可以通过if- clause常用的积极策略,试探对方的意图,例如:To be frank with you, if it weren’t for our good relations, we wouldn’t considering making you affirm offer at this price.在商务谈判中我们可以选择的模糊词有多:if ,perhaps ,probably ,maybe ,seem ,as if ,as far as I can tell ,I'm afraid ,It is said that ,sort of ,to some extent等。这些模糊限制语在上述的环境下可以帮助谈判人员应付谈
判窘境,使谈判顺利进行。如说话人遵守礼貌原则,使用模糊限制语的语用功能,既可清楚地表达“会话含义” 又可尽量避免专断;有时还可以表达“拒绝”的会话含义,又不至于使拒绝过分伤害对方的感情,最终达到间接表达自己的意图,使话语表达显得更得体、更合适。

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第1个回答  2010-03-23
Fuzzy Linguistic Strategy in Business Negotiations with the use of language has a lot of flexibility to put out the information vague. Avoid over-determined. Let negotiators control them. To avoid an impasse in negotiations, leaving the necessary room for maneuver: T am afraid that the proposal you put forward just now isn't up too much. Yourpresentation makes me feel a little too-you know what I mean. Above the isn't up too much, you know what I mean is ambiguous language, the meaning is very broad, no clear boundaries. people the flexibility to understand.
Pragmatic ambiguity strategy also with less cost to pass enough information, and complex things to make efficient judgments and processing. For example: Our business policy is very clear, and our enterprise credit is also known to all. Negotiator in the circumstances of the problem not do direct answer. To avoid the adverse situation, get rid of this issue entangled with each other. Pragmatic Strategies can also play a fuzzy
Rendering role. From a psychological victory over the other: T 'm sure you will find our
price most favorable. Elsewhere prices for hardware have gone
up tremendously in recent years. Our prices haven't changed
Meanwhile, the vague language can be used if-clause an active strategy to test each other's intentions, such as: To be frank with you, if it weren't for our good relations, we wouldn't considering making you affirm offer at this price. in business negotiations, we can choose how the fuzzy words: if, perhaps, probably, maybe, seem, as if, as far as I can tell, I'm afraid, It is said that, sort of, to some extent, etc. .
These hedges in these circumstances can help negotiators to meet to talk about
Sentenced dilemma, so that the negotiations proceed smoothly. If the speaker to comply with the principles of politeness, using Hedges Pragmatic function, both clearly expressed "conversational implicature" can also try to avoid arbitrary; sometimes can express the "rejection" of conversational implicature, but also does not cause undue harm to the other party refused to feelings, and ultimately achieving indirectly express their intentions, so that words seem to express a more elegant, more appropriate.
第2个回答  2010-03-23
Fuzzy pragmatic strategy in business negotiations to language application has very big flexibility, the output of the fuzzy information. Avoid too sure. Let the negotiator dilemma. Avoid negotiations stalled, leaving the necessary leeway: T am afraid your forward any proposal. Can you've now have one. Yourpresentation 185 providing them have diversified me -- I spend site above the j've up one site, have I spend are fuzzy language and meaning is very wide, no explicit boundaries. Let people flexibly to understand. The fuzziness of pragmatic strategy with less cost, transfer enough information to make the efficiency of complex things and processing. Example: the soul is essential policy, the enterprise wants connected clear at all. - is to assault in cases of negotiators no answer to the question. Avoid adverse situation, with each other on this issue. Another fuzzy pragmatic strategy can play
第3个回答  2010-03-20
第4个回答  2010-03-21