

第1个回答  2015-03-09
I can see a horse.
can是情态动词,基本含义表示能力(可能表示技能、体能或可能),相当于be able to,但是它的将来时和完成时必须要用be able to的结构(在状语从句中可以用can表示将来,即主将从现)。过去时was/were able to可以表示经过努力而成功地办到了某个具体的事情。它的否定式是cannot或can't。
Can you type? =Are you able to type?
Can you come to the meeting tomorrow?
You can go with him next Sunday.
If you can pass the exam tomorrow morning, I'll buy you a gift.
She couldn't climb the mountain? = She wasn't able to climb the mountain.
You will be able to swim soon.
I haven't been able to recall his name.
He said that he hadn't been able to fix my computer the day before.
She asked him whether he would be able to jump over the stream.
A single spark can sttart a prairie fire.
Can it be true?
Can she be living there?
Can the hall seat a thousand people?
What can satisfly her?
How could I know?
I couldn't help laughing at the way that he pronounced the sound /r/.
Mother said we could do anything we wished.
I can't possibly do it.
与情态动词、联系动词、非谓语动词连用时,要用be able to。
She might be able to play the role.
I seem not to be able to get any sleep at nights.
He regretted not being able to speak English.
第2个回答  2015-03-08
I can see a horse. 或者是疑问句Can i see a horse?
第3个回答  2015-03-08
Can I see a horse?我可以看看马么?