there be句型后加to do与doing有什么区别.用法又是什么


第1个回答  2022-11-04

there be句型后加to do与doing有什么区别.用法又是什么

to do 表示未发生的,将来的事情
比如:There are a lot of flowers to be watered. 那里还有很多花没被浇水。
比如:There are many boys playing basketball. 那里有许多男孩正在打篮球
公式:There be+主语+to do/doing+其他成分

to do指要做的,例如There is a lot of homework to do ,doing指主动例如There is a girl standing under the tree(区别于done被动)

there be句型跟 there to be,there being ,用法有什么区别吗?

there be(is/are/was)用于完整的句子,例如:
There is a ball under the chair. 椅子下面有一个球。
而there to be和there being则用于某些动词之后,there being还可以用于独立主格结构作状语。
I expect there to be a party tomorrow. 我希望明天开派对。
There being no movie ticket left, we went home, disappointed.

请问,There is difficulty in doing句型和It is difficulty to do ,有什么区别?

后面那个应该是difficult吧。。It's difficult to do


1)with 表示同等比较或动作对待的物件,掌握常用的一些片语:
*** . be familiar with sth.
be at peace with ...
Be patient with children.
2)of 带有所属或同位关系,表示性质、内容 、状况等,动作的主体或物件。
例如:a long story of adventure.
the arrival of the delegation.
It is clever of you to do so.
3)about 指代关于某件事情,某个事物,即about sth.
例如:talk about...

take turns to do sth和 doing sth用法有什么区别?

take turns doing sth:轮流做某事,表示的是已发生并将继续发生的情形;
take turns to do sth: 轮流去做某事,现在还未发生,但即将发生

have an opportunity to do/of doing区别它们有什么区别,用法

opportunity of doing sth.opportunity for (doing) sth.都是做某事的机会 没有区别给几个例句:This gave him an opportunity of collecting his thoughts.这给了他一个机会镇定下来.Austin viewed mistakes simply as an opportunity for learning.奥斯汀把任何错误都看作是学习的机会This presents both a challenge and an opportunity for us.这是我们要面对的一场考验,但同时也是一个我们可以掌握的机会.

consider to do 与consider doing 有什么区别

consider doing是考虑做某事 如I am considering visiting you
consider to do是认为的意思 如China is considered to be one of the greatest country in the world.中国被认为是世界上最伟大的国家之一.

try to do 与 try doing 有什么区别

Try to do sth.表示尽自己最大能力做某事,等同于try one's best to do sth.
Try doing sth.表示尝试着做某事
try to do sth.
try doing
try to do 强调尝试想办法,还没去做
try doing 强调doing,已经在做

Finished to do 与Finished doing 有什么区别?

Finish 后面没有跟to do ,只能跟doing
Finished doing就是做完了一件事
还有一些to do 和doing有区别的是:
1)s to do &s doing
s to do 停下来某件事去做另外的一件事情
s doing 停止做某事
2)fet to do 和fet doing
3)remember to do和remeber doing
