

第1个回答  2022-12-05





  1.知识目标:playtime, sad, skip(ping), hide-and-seek, clap(ping) games, She is…They are…

  2.技能目标:听说:playtime, sad, skip(ping), hide-and-seek, clap(ping) games:能听懂发生在校园课间中的故事;大声跟读课文。

  3.情感目标:快乐游戏,参与今日英语游戏:clapping games.


  Important and difficult points:

  1. 感受现在进行时态与一般现在时态动词的形态变化V-ing,同时能区别is, are在人数变化时的运用;

  2. 积极听、说、跟读课文

  Teaching methods:

  1. TPR教学法

  Teaching preparations:



  将课文中的clapping games较好地在学生中间推广。

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step1. Warm up

  T: Let’s sing a song. ”I’m listening to music.”

  T: Let’s say a chant. “What are you doing?”

  T: Hello boys and girls! Ss: Hello teacher.

  T: Glad to meet you! Ss: Glad to meet you, too!

  T: How are you, today? Ss: I’m fine. Thank you. And you?

  T: I’m fine too. Thank you. Sit down, please!

  T: Who knows? What day is it today? S1: It’s Wednesday.

  Yes, clever. Sit down.

  T: What’s the weather like? S2: It’s sunny.

  Very good. Sit down.


  T: Please review words

  T: Everyone, stand up. Please listen and do the actions. OK, now listen to me. (draw a picture, jump, play football)

  T: What are you doing? Ss: I’m ……

  T: Please hurry up! Sit down your chair. Please sit well and listen to me.

  Step3. Free talk

  T: 英才学校为了让小朋友们更健康地学习,开设了一个playtime,在我们学校也有一个playtime, What’s playtime? Guess please! Do you like this playtime?


  T: 在我们学校可以叫做大课间。It’s our time to play games and do exercise.

  T: In the playtime. Amy finds Fangfang is sad, why? Let’s see it, together? Please open your books at page 18.

  T: First, listen and find new words. Show CD.

  T: Who can say new words? (sad, hide-and-seek, seek, hide, skip, clap). 教读单词。复习现在分词的构成。

  T: Please look these questions.下面我们要带着问题进入课文学习。T: Listen and repeat. (边跟读边讲解)

  T: Fangfang刚才有些不高兴,那你们现在知道为什么了吧?

  Ss: No one is playing with Fangfang.

  T: 那现在她高兴了吗?Ss: Yes, she is happy.

  T: Listen and repeat again.

  T: Please read the story.


  T: Everyone read the story. (It’s playtime.)

  T: Boys is Amy. Girls is Fangfang.

  T: Second, who can answer the questions. Show questions

  (listen, sing, watch, dance, talk, read, write, eat, drink, jump, play, run)


  1.Show problem sentences,for “they” write activity 3 games.


  2. Look at some photos and learn to say the games.

  Practice “What are they doing? They’re……”


  Ss practice activity 3. What are they doing? They’re……

  Step5.Play games.


  1. T: This is playtime, you can play games.

  T: What are you doing? S1: We’re…

  T: What are they doing? S2:They are ……

  2. 出示课件图片练习句型。

  T: 我们以前也学习过第三人称询问什么的句子,那我们来看看。


  今天我们学习了5个新单词,(sad, hide-and-seek, seek, hide, skip, clap).


  (What are they doing? They are ……)


  T: Look at our homework.

  (1) Repeat Module 5 Unit 1 three times;

  (2) In playtime, try to Introduction student’s games.


  Module 5 Unit 1

  Lingling is skipping.

  sad seek-seeking

  hide-and-seek hide-hiding What are they doing?

  skip-skipping They’re……



  一. 教学意图:

  本节课的学习内容为外研社出版的新标准英语一年级起点第四册第五模块第二单元What are you playing?一课,这是本模块的第三课时。本节课主要复习句式(1)What are they playing? They’re… Can I help with you? Yes, you can. (2)What am I playing? Are you…及skipping/clapping /hide and seek等活动的单词。通过网络,学生自主听读Chant, 并拓展句式Where are they? They are in the playground. What are they playing? Some are…Some are… 同时拓展听读与课文知识相关的对话,拓展句式 Do you like…? What do you like? Let’s…拓展听读英语小故事,提高学生的听力,增强学生的语感。最后学生在教师指导下合作进行看图说话,初步培养学生的语言迁移能力及发散性思维。从 中也更进一步发展了学生自主听、说及协作学习语言知识的能力.

  二. 教学目标分析:

  1. 语言知识目标:

  单词: skipping, playing hide-and-seek,playing clapping games ,playground

  句型: What are they playing? They’re…

  Can I help with you? Yes, you can.

  What am I playing? Are you…

  扩展句型:Where are they? They are in the playground.

  What are they playing? Some are…Some are…

  Do you like…? What do you like? Let’s…

  2. 语言技能目标:

  l 能听、会说词汇skipping, playing hide-and-seek,playing clapping games ,playground

  l 听、说并能理解、运用本课句子What are they playing? Where are they? They’re… Some are…描述他人正在做的事情.

  l 通过引导学生根据与课标内容相关的PPT图片及关键词句进行看图说话,初步培养学生在key points辅助下口语表达及语言迁移运用能力。

  l 通过让学生借助网络资源自主听、说与课文知识相关的英语故事,不断增强英语语感及提高听力,同时也进一步提高了运用网络资源辅助学习的意识及能力。



  4. 教学重点及难点:



  三. 教学对象分析:

  本节课的教学对象为二年级学生。学生在电脑操作方面已有一定的基础,能按老师要求搜索到所要学习的资源。且此课之前学生也已掌握了部分游戏活动 的词汇: skipping, playing hide-and-seek,playing clapping games,five stones.及描述他人活动的句式 She’s…He’s…They are…具有较好的英语听、说能力,迁移运用英语的能力及发散性思维。




  1. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new words

  2.Talking with“usually” and “...ing”


  1.Key words: “usually, Sunday, help, it, thing, ill, him “.

  2. Help students grasp the key sentences:

  I usually help my father. But I‘m not helping him today.


  Radio, cards, picture, CAI

  Teaching Process

  Teacher’s Activity

  Students‘ Activity


  ⅠWarming up and Revision

  1.Say hello to students.

  2.Sing a song


  I usually listen to music, but I‘m not listening to music today. Daming usually do many things. But he’s not doing them today. Why? Let‘s listen and find.

  ⅢTeaching and Learning

  1.Play the tape.

  2.Ask some questions. On Sundays, Daming usually plays basketball/helps his father/rides his bike/does his homework. Is he playing/helping him/riding it/doing it today? Why? What’s he doing now?

  3.Show the pictures and sentences.

  4.Play the tape

  ⅣFurther Development .

  1. Look and Fill blanks

  2. Practice in pairs.


  1. To all students:Make some sentences with”usually“and “-ing”,then draw them.

  2. To a part of students: Make a dialogue and act it out.

  1.Say“hello”to teacher

  2.Sing and do the actions

  Listen carefully, then listen to the tape.

  1.Listen and point 2 times.

  2.Answer questions.

  No, he isn‘t. He’s ill.

  He‘s watching TV.

  3.Look and say.

  4.Listen and repeat 2 times.

  1. Look and say.

  2. Show a dialogue.
