

第1个回答  2014-07-12
Nancy spent a long time adapting to the new environment and living pace in Italy.
It is calculated that at least one third of the time is wasted on the long way when travelling.
Can you classify these English words according to their meanings?
Volunteers help distribute these new clothes to the children in the orphanage.
Mum encouranges daughter to donate her pocket money to the Red Cross Organization.
Jack owes his success to his family's and friends support.
She is very talented and hard-working, and deserves a promotion.
What is unbelievable is that Li Ming spent two months acquiring these skills.
Now I'll show you how these clothes should be folded.
This country allocates a lot of money to reward the hard-working researchers.
This man was arrested for being charged with abusing his power.
他看到他不能实现自己的计划,就放弃了。(carry out)
He gave up when he saw that his plans could not be carried out.
他是一个看起来很冷淡而事实上很热心的人。(in fact)
He is a man who looks indifferent but enthusiastic in fact.
他宁愿待在家里看电视也不愿意跟他妈妈去购物。(would rather...than)
He would rather watch TV at home than go shopping with his mum.
他给我们讲的故事和历史书上的不相符。(agree with)
The story he told us doesn't agree with that in the history book.
村长让他把这个公告的内容传递给村民。(pass... on to)
The village head let him pass the content of the announcement on to the villagers.
我仍然记得整件事情,它就好像发生在昨天一样。(as if)
I still remember the whole thing, as if it happened yesterday.
他总是利用周末的时间去图书馆翻阅报纸。(take advantage of)
He always takes advantage of weekend time to read newpaper in the library.
不管天气如何,这块地总是能够保持稳产高产。(regardless of)
Regardless of the weather, the field always keeps high and steady production.
As parents, you should set a good example for your children.
Although this team didn't win, the judges were content about their performance.
为了买到回家的火车票,我在火车站至少排了四个小时的队。(at least)
In order to buy a train ticket home, I spent at least four hours queuing at the railway station.
你应该向你的父母道歉。毕竟,这次是你错了。(after all)
You should apologise to your parents. After all, you are wrong this time.