

(1) sleep deeply  
She slept deeply but woke early. 她睡得很熟但醒得很早。
He was exhausted and slept deeply. 他筋疲力尽,睡得很沉。
(2) sleep sound  
He sleeps sound every night. 他每晚都睡得很熟。
He was lying in bed, sound asleep. 他躺在床上,睡得正香。
(3) sleep soundly  
She’s sleeping soundly. 她睡得很死。
Did you sleep soundly last night? 你昨晚睡得好(睡得沉)吗?
(4) sleep heavily  
The baby was sleeping heavily. 宝宝睡得很沉。
In spite of this, I slept heavily. 尽管如此我还是睡得很熟。

2. 汉语说“睡得很熟”,若使用形容词asleep,英语可以有以下常用表达:
(1) fast asleep   
He seems to be fast asleep. 他似乎睡得很熟。
They were both fast asleep in their cots. 他们俩在婴儿床上酣睡着。
说明:副词 fast 修饰形容词 asleep 的用法很普通,但它修饰动词 sleep 的用法却很少见。
(2) sound asleep   
She is still sound asleep in her bed. 她仍在床上睡得很熟。
Turning over, she was soon sound asleep again. 她翻了个身,很快又沉沉睡去。
(3) soundly asleep   
Don’t wake her up—she is soundly asleep. 别吵醒她,她睡得正香。
She was too soundly asleep to hear Stefano’s return. 她睡得太熟,没有听见斯蒂芬诺回来。
(4) deeply asleep   
The boy was very deeply asleep. 男孩睡得很熟。
You will be deeply asleep by the time we get home. 等我们到家时,你会睡得很熟了。
第1个回答  2017-01-16
fast asleep;In a fast sleep;slept like a log本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2017-01-16
Slept soundly