

第1个回答  2022-09-13
Did you find anything you like?有看到你喜欢的吗?
.Yes,do you have these shoes in size seven?是的,这双鞋子有7号的吗?
.i'm not sure.Let me see if there are any in the rack.Yes,here you are.Go ahead,and try them on.我也不确定.让我看下架上还有没有.有.给你,试穿一下吧
.How do they feel?感觉如何
.They fit like a glove.Do you have yellow ones?大小正合适.这双鞋有黄色的吗?
.Yes.Can i wrap them up for you?有的.我帮你包起来好吗
.How much are they again?那多少钱呢?
.$125 125美圆
.Um,i'm afraid that's a bit pricier than i expected,i'm fraid i'll have to pass.我想这比我想象中要贵,我想我就不买了吧