refor to和look up的区别

refor to和look up的区别

第1个回答  2017-02-16
这两个意思不完全一样。refer to 提到,谈到,指的是,查阅(词典、书籍、资料),参考,参看; look up(在参考书、列表等中)查找,向上看,拜访(某人):
Many people have to look up the meaning of this word in the dictionary. 这个词的意思很多人都要查字典才知道。
I looked your address up in the personnel file.我在人事档案里找到了你的地址。
He referred briefly to his notebook.他简单地看了看自己的笔记。
You'd better refer to the dictionary on the desk. 你最好查阅一下桌子上的那本词典。
You go and refer to a book by Lu Xun. 你去查阅一下鲁迅写的一本书。本回答被网友采纳