1. Using the grad_hsb_data set,
1) Draw the bar graph that shows mean WRTG scores with standard error bars as a function of RACE.
2) Run a single-factor ANOVA using RACE as the independent variable and WRTG as the dependent variable.
3) Conduct a post-hoc test to determine which pairs of RACE are different? Describe your post-hoc test results.
4) Following the APA publication guidelines, write the results section based on the analyses performed for 1)-3) above.
2. (Use the grad_hsb_data set)
Suppose you established the following specific hypotheses about differences among races in advance, conduct planned contrasts using WRTG as the dependent variable.
1) Difference between BLACK and WHITE.
2) Difference between WHITE and non-WHITE.
3) Difference between HISPANIC/BLACK and ASIAN/WHITE.
Describe the results of your planned comparisons.
4) Difference between WHITE and HISPANIC/BLACK.