干货 | 如何写一份得体的英文邮件(职场必备)


第1个回答  2024-04-03


礼貌开场: 开篇时,不妨以温暖的"Thank you for reaching out"表达对读者的尊重,让对方感受到你的关注和诚意。

快速响应: 对于及时的回复,可以使用"Your prompt response is much appreciated",让对方知道你珍视时间,工作效率高。

信息传递: 当你收到并确认信息时,一句"Many thanks for providing the requested information"流露出你对细节的关注。

贴心协助: 对于他人的帮助,一句"Your assistance has been invaluable"会让人感受到你的感激之情。

意见交流: 当对方提出观点时,用"Thank you for bringing this to my attention"表达你对他人意见的尊重和欢迎。

结束语: 结束邮件时,用"Thank you for your cooperation and understanding"表达你的感谢,同时传达出良好的工作关系。

会议艺术: 邀请会议时,可以说"I recommend scheduling a call at 9:30 PM China Time",清晰而简洁。

行动计划: 为了项目讨论,"Let's schedule a meeting for Project A"这样直接的提议更有效。

时间安排: 提出具体日期,如"We'll convene on Thu, Oct 30",确保信息明确无误。

电话沟通: "I'd like to discuss the report and XXX project over the phone",让对方知道你的沟通意图。

评估与建议: 结束时不忘询问"Looking forward to your feedback on our proposal",期待合作。

文件管理和关注: 对于存取问题,"If you encounter any access issues, please don't hesitate to contact me",展现你的支持态度。

会议记录: 提供会议资料,"Please find attached meeting notes and supporting documents",确保信息完整。

任务与反馈: 明确任务,"Tasks for today include 1 and 2",并鼓励反馈,"Feel free to share any questions or suggestions"。

问题与改进: 坦诚面对问题,"Known issues: 1 and 2, please let me know if you have additional insights"。

团队动态: 传递团队关注点,"Team should focus on issues 1 and 2, and current status updates",保持信息同步。

其他沟通: "Don't hesitate to ask if you have any queries",保持开放沟通渠道。

最后提示: "Regarding report XX-XXX, please let me know if you need further clarification",确保信息清晰无误。

专业建议: 对于平台升级,"I propose we take the following steps...",体现你的专业意见。

总结: 用"Let's maintain weekly phone calls to discuss projects moving forward",规划未来的沟通频率。

致歉与确认: 对于误会,"I sincerely apologize for any misunderstanding",展现你的真诚。

确认与求助: "My apologies for the delay, please confirm the accuracy of the implementation promptly",保持高效协作。

