

第1个回答  2023-08-07

《Green Book》 is an impressive master piece which earned the Oscar Best Movie Award in Oscar 2019.Oscar award states 《Green Book》s' extraordinary status in the film industry.

The background settings of 《Green Book》takes place in Amercia,1962.The film is adapted from real life and tells about Italian-American bodygurad Tony,who was hired to drive famous jazz pianist Don Shirley throughout concert tour from New York to the Southern cities of America,the film recorded full story the concert tour.those happy and unhappy stories on the way to the stages,how Tony changes his opinion to black people and how Doctor Shirley faces racial discrimination.


《绿皮书》的背景设置发生在1962年的美国。这部电影改编自现实生活,讲述了意大利裔美国人保镖托尼的故事。托尼受雇于著名爵士钢琴家唐·雪莉(Don Shirley),在从纽约到美国南部城市的整个巡回演唱会期间,他驾驶着这位著名的爵士钢琴师,这部电影记录了巡回演唱会的完整故事。那些登上舞台的快乐和不快乐故事,托尼如何改变对黑人的看法,雪莉医生如何面对种族歧视。