

第1个回答  2024-05-25
1. Firefighting Publicity Day is the English translation for "消防宣传日".
2. International University Students' Day is the English equivalent for "国际大学生节".
In 1992, the Ministry of Public Security issued a notice designating November 9th as the "119 Firefighting Publicity Day". The purpose of this event is to focus on fire prevention during the winter season when fires are more likely to occur. By using the "119 Firefighting Publicity Day" as a starting point, the campaign aims to enhance public awareness of fire safety and promote the societal involvement in fire protection efforts. Fire prevention activities, diverse in content and form, are carried out during this period to improve everyone's understanding of fire safety.
The Firefighting Festival, typically held in villages with water buffaloes, is organized by the fire prevention organization known as the "Water Buffalo Association." On this day, the association organizes fire drills or competitions. Early in the morning, led by the "head" of the association, the water buffalo is taken to a pond or stream, and people of all ages in the village participate in a race to fill containers with water to feed the "buffalo."
The "International University Students' Day," also known as "World University Students' Day," "World Student Day," or "International Student Day," was established in 1946 by student representatives from around the world gathered in Prague. They declared November 17th as the "World University Students' Day" to strengthen unity and friendship among students worldwide. The day aims to condemn the violent acts of oppressors, to纪念 the student movements against fascism, and to advocate for peace, democracy, freedom, and progress among university students. The significance of International University Students' Day has long transcended its original purpose of historical remembrance. It has become a point of expression for university students' individuality and a showcase for campus culture. On this special day, many international students participate in public welfare activities to promote peace, volunteer to teach children, engage in charitable events, donate blood, and organize celebrations to enhance cultural exchanges among different countries.