

第1个回答  2022-12-19
v.(动词)帮助,援助救(命)[与 can或 cannot连用]避免,阻止,抑制,克制招待,服务,伺候治疗;缓解;补救,改进有用,有帮助,有助于,有利于开饭,上菜改善状况擅自拿走,窃取为(自己/某人)取用n.(名词)帮助,援助帮手,助手救济,补救,医治有帮助的人,有助益的东西仆人佣工,全体雇工救济法挽救方法一份,一杯援兵int.(感叹词)救命!二、英英释义
Noun:the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose;"he gave me an assist with the housework"
"could not walk without assistance"
"rescue party went to their aid"
"offered his help in unloading"

a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose;"my invaluable assistant"
"they hired additional help to finish the work"

a resource;"visual aids in teaching"

a means of serving;"of no avail"
"there's no help for it"

Verb:give help or assistance; be of service;"Everyone helped out during the earthquake"
"Can you help me carry this table?"
"She never helps around the house"

improve the condition of;"These pills will help the patient"

be of use;"This will help to prevent accidents"

abstain from doing; always used with a negative;"I can't help myself--I have to smoke"
"She could not help watching the sad spectacle"

help to some food; help with food or drink;"I served him three times, and after that he helped himself"

contribute to the furtherance of;"This money will help the development of literacy in developing countries"

take or use;"She helped herself to some of the office supplies"

improve; change for the better;"New slipcovers will help the old living room furniture"

1. 在线帮助:DI-624S的管理界面看上去相当的复杂,依然按照基本功能(Home)、高级功能(Advanced)、管理工具(Tools)、统计工具(Status)和在线帮助(Help)分类. 每个分类下都有若干的选项,其中基本功能包括9个子分类,高级功能更是包括10子分类, evolving latent projections; 直观推导式演进特征投影法
3. electronic landing path; 直升飞机电子着陆系统
4. escaping lessening posture; 减少散失热能姿势
Your advice helped me a lot.
I'll do everything possible to help you.
Trade helps industry to develop.
This latest development doesn't exactly help.
Local assembly will help sale to some extent.
He's been helping himself to my stationery.
He can't help having big ears.
She burst out laughing and couldn't help herself.
Thank you for your kind help.
You must reckon without his help in this matter.
We'll need outside help before we can finish.
You're a good help to me.
The help has not come this morning .
Aaah, the monster's coming. Run! Help!
用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)We'll be happy to help if you need us.
如果你需要的话,我们将乐意帮助你。There must be some other reason for him refusing to help.
他拒绝帮忙,其中肯定还有别的原因。I've got about 30 pence, will that help?
我身上带着大约30便士,管用吗?An aspirin will help.
一片阿司匹林会起作用的。I get terrible headaches but it helps if I lie down in the dark for a while.
我头痛得厉害,要是在暗处躺一会儿那是大有好处的。Mere words won't help.
光说不做无济于事。This reference book helps a lot.
这本参考书很有用。What you say helps enormously.
你说的话很有帮助。I did my best to comfort her, but it didn't seem to help.
我尽量安慰她,但似乎不起作用。Help, help!A boy is drowning.
救人啊!救人啊!一个男孩子要淹死了。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.It is a teacher's business to help his pupils.
帮助学生是教师的责任。We decided to send a veteran surgeon to help them.
我们决定派一个有经验的外科医生去帮助他们。He had an enormous kind heart and would always be ready to help others.
他心地善良,总是乐于帮助别人。We will do our utmost to help these unfortunate people.
我们将尽最大努力帮助这些不幸的人。We'll help the school as far as we can.
我们将尽可能来帮助这所学校。Trade helps the development of industry.
贸易会促进工业的发展。His sensible suggestions helped the negotiations immensely.
他的合理建议有力地促成了谈判。He read Shakespeare to help his English.
为了提高英语水平,他读了莎士比亚的作品。What have you got that will help a cold?
你有没有能治感冒的东西?Sorry I broke the cup, but I can't help it.
对不起,我把杯子打碎了,可我不是故意的。She burst her crying; she couldn't help it.
她放声大哭,无法控制自己。I realized my voice was shaking when I spoke, but I couldn't help it.
我意识到我讲话的声音在发抖,但我控制不住。If he doesn't listen to our advice, we can't help it.
如果他不听劝,我们也没办法。S+~+(to-) vWould you help to cut down the tree?
帮着把这棵树砍下来,好不好?The villagers are helping to search the woods for the missing child.
村民们正在帮助搜索树林,寻找那个失踪的孩子。This dictionary will help improve your English.
这词典将帮助你提高英语水平。All this has helped raise farm yields steadily.
所有这些促使农场产量不断增长。The railways recently constructed have helped to promote our domestic trade.
最近修建的铁路有助于促进我们的国内贸易。That helped to ease his grief.
那有助于减轻他的悲痛。He has an obligation to help support his parents.
他有责任供养父母。It shall be our constant endeavour to help improve the living standard of our people.
我们应该不断努力设法改善我国人民的生活水平。Words and actions should help to unite, and not divide, the people of our various nationalities.
言论和行动要有利于团结各族人民,而不是分裂人民。用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +(to-) vWill you help me prepare for the party?
你愿意帮我准备聚会吗?Help me sit up,Facer—I can't sleep.
扶我坐起来,费塞——我没法入睡。We must help him correct his shortcomings.
我们一定要帮助他改正缺点。Please come along and help me carry the big box upstairs.
请过来帮我把这只大箱子扛上楼。Help me put the room to rights.
帮我整理一下房间。Will you help me move the table?
请帮我搬一下桌子好吗?Let's go to help them to unload the truck.
让我们去帮他们卸车吧!Something went wrong with his machine so I helped him fix it.
他的机器出了毛病,于是我帮他修理。In this way they helped us build our confidence in victory.
他们就这样帮助我们树立了胜利的信心。He cut a stout stick to help him walk.
他砍下一根结实的树枝拄着走路。The travel service can help you to make onward reservations.
旅行社可帮您办理行程各阶段的票。A knowledge of English grammar will help you to speak less bad English.
懂得英语语法,你的英语就会讲得好些。Thought helps us solve problems.
思考能帮助我们解决问题。This helped them adopt a correct attitude towards the masses.
这有助于他们对群众采取正确的态度。This helped him appreciate his advantageous position.
这有助于他意识到自己的有利地位。1You will be helped by them to go over your lessons.
你将得到他们的帮助来温习功课。用作名词(n.)He has offered help.
他已主动提供帮助。Can I give you any help?
我能帮你忙吗?I appreciate your help.
我感激你的帮助。We need help but we will not beg for it.
我们需要帮助,但不会乞求帮助。I can't promise my immediate help.
我不能答应立即给予帮助。I got help from her.
我得到她的帮助。Thank you for your help.
谢谢你的帮助。We shall need outside help for this job.
我们需要外界协助来完成此项工作。They all look to you for help.
他们都指望你的帮助。She called to her father for help.
她向父亲喊叫求救。They didn't care how much help they could get from outside.They would rely chiefly on themselves.
他们不在乎从外界能得到多少帮助,他们将主要依靠自己。We declined his offer of help.
我们谢绝了他给我们的帮助。Deeds are better than words when people are in need of help.
当别人需要帮助时,行动胜于语言。But for your help,I might have failed.
要是没有你的帮助,我也许失败了。He has fulfilled the task through their help.
他靠他们的帮助完成了任务。Through your help I succeeded.
由于你的帮助我成功了。I can't lift this box without help.
没有人帮忙,我提不起这箱子。I couldn't have done it without your help.
没有你的帮助我是无法完成这项工作的。The girl is a good help to her mother.
这女孩是她妈妈的好帮手。He is rather a hindrance than a help to us.
他对我们非但没有帮助,反而成了累赘。His advice was a great help to our success.
他的忠告对我们的成功大有帮助。Aspirin may be a help to your headache.
吃点阿司匹林对您的头痛可能有好处。I find this tool is a great help when I dig the garden.
我发现在花园翻土时这件工具很有用。There is a miner attack in words but a major help in deeds.
小骂帮大忙。We require extra help.
我们需要临时工。They need a domestic help.
他们需要一个女佣。He laid off half of his help.
他把一半佣人辞退了。The cook is in charge of the kitchen help.
这位厨师负责管理帮厨工。The help are demanding higher wages.
佣人要求增加工资。She has hired a new help.
她雇了一个新的佣人。It is beyond help.
这无法挽救。The patient is past medical help.
用作动词 (v.)~+名词help a cold治好感冒help digestion促进消化help oneself自取,自用help sb's house cleaning帮助某人搞卫生help sb's wound治好伤口help the development of industry促进工业的发展help the good work促成美事help the poor帮助穷人help this project帮助进行这项工程~+副词help beneficially有利地帮助help cheerfully乐意地帮助help effectually有效地帮助help enormously很有帮助help freely自由地帮助help generously慷慨地帮助help greatly大大地有助于help immensely有力地促成help kindly友好地帮助help leisurely从容地克制help materially实质性地帮助help personally个人地帮助help perversely反常地帮助help possibly尽可能地帮助help really真正地帮助help sympathetically热情地帮助help along搀扶着前进,有助于发展help back搀扶着返回help down帮助,搀扶(某人)下来,帮助(某人)把东西搬下来help in搀扶着进去help off帮助或扶(某人)离开help on鼓励,促进…help out帮助或搀扶(某人)出来,帮助(某人)解决难题或解决暂时之需help up把(某人)扶起来,帮助(某人)往上搬东西~+副词+介词help up with为…所累~+介词help about the house帮助干家务help at home贴补家用help sb in his work帮助某人工作help sb into his coat帮某人穿上衣服help sb into the car扶某人坐进车内help sb off the horse扶某人下马help sb on the horse扶某人上马help sb out of his difficulties帮助某人摆脱困境help sb over the fence帮助某人摆脱困难help sb through the university资助某人读完大学help sb to bed扶某人上床help oneself to sth自取,自用help sb to the bank扶某人上岸help oneself to the wine自斟自饮help sb with a loan用一笔贷款来帮助某人help sb with lessons帮助某人复习功课help sb with money用钱帮助某人help yourself without ceremony请自用,不要拘束用作名词 (n.)动词+~accept help接受援助acknowledge help对(别人提供的帮助)表示感谢ask for help请求帮助beg for help乞求帮助call for help要求帮助come to sb's help帮某人的忙cry for help求救depend on sb's help依靠某人的帮助enlist sb's help获得某人的帮助expect help期待援助extend help提供帮助get help得到帮助give help给予帮助have help得到帮助invoke sb's help恳求某人的帮助need help需要援助obtain help得到援助offer help提供帮助promise help答应帮助provide help提供帮助receive help得到帮助refuse help拒绝帮助seek help寻求帮助employ help雇工engage help雇工hire help雇工lay off help辞退佣人require extra help需要临时工形容词+~active help积极的帮助any help任何帮助appropriate help适当的帮助big help很大的帮助efficient help有效的帮助emergency help紧急援助financial help财政援助friendly help友好的援助generous help慨慷的援助good help很大的帮助great help巨大的帮助human help人力上的帮助immediate help紧急援助important help重要的帮助invaluable help非常宝贵的援助kind help好意相助kindly help亲