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第1个回答  2009-06-08
Is college really necessary?

A lot of time young entrepreneurs will find themselves wondering whether college is really necessary for their chosen career path of starting companies. In the end, it’s really a question that you need to think about and analyze on your own, but I’ll try to explain my feelings on the subject.

Why I love college
I love college. Sure the classes get old sometimes and it seems like everytime I finish one midterm I have to start studying for another one, but that doesn’t make college a bad place. College is a great place to learn more about yourself, meet people with opposing views, argue with people who are smarter than you, party with friends, and sleep until noon.

While not everyone in college is brilliant, a few people are. You might not meet the next Einstein, but you’ll meet people who are smart and who challenge you. Those are the people you want to be friends with, they force you to keep pushing yourself. I’m not sure there are many places in the world that allow you to have as much fun as college does.

Why college sucks
No one wants to go to an 8:30am lecture after they were up until 4:00am studying, but it’s part of college life. When the lecture is about the biology and structure of plants, it is just that much worse. I hate midterms, I hate essays, I hate term papers, I hate reading books. I understand that it’s part of college, but it still sucks.

There are rules, there are procedures you have to follow. There are authority figures who get to decide what you need to do to graduate and you don’t get any input. There will be classes you hate, there will be professors you can’t stand. I’ts college.

Would I ever leave college?
I have gone over in my mind what I would do if I was ever presented with a chance that I couldn’t turn down. What if I was working on a project and it suddenly took off? Would I try to balance my school work with a big project?

I would be to take a leave of absence from college. I can come back to college if my idea doesn’t turn out the way I had planned, but I can never go back to the “right” moment and give it another shot. What if Bill Gates had waited till he had a PhD before starting Microsoft? Would Apple be the dominant operating system in the world? Who knows, Bill Gates jumped when the time was right, the window doesn’t stay open forever.

So…what am I saying?
I guess I didn’t really answer the quesiton about whether or not college is necessary. I think college is something everyone should at least try. Maybe it’s not right for you, maybe it is. Your major doesn’t have to be business administration or marketing - maybe you’re interested in languages or sports, make your major something your passionate about, it will make the college experience much more fun.

College expenses are astronomical and many high school students are wondering whether there really are any good reasons to go to college. After all, the media is ripe with stories of people who became quite successful without college degrees. Bill Gates (of Microsoft), Michael Dell (of Dell Computers), and Steve Jobs (of Apple) are all college dropouts.

But does the success of a few college dropouts negate the importance of a college education? Is a college education even necessary? Everything depends on individual tastes, but there are still many good reasons to go to college.

Top Ten Reasons to Go to College

1. You can earn more money throughout your lifetime. Study after study shows that, on average, those that hold college degrees will earn more money throughout their lifetime than those that do not.
2. A degree makes you a more competitive candidate. If you are up for a job position against someone that does not hold a degree, your college degree could be the deciding factor that gets you the job.
3. It exposes you to new things. All colleges have basic requirements that you must meet. These include taking classes outside of your field of interest, which introduces you to new things and helps you to build and grow your mind.
4. You can improve your social skills. The people that you meet at college may come from many different cultures and backgrounds. Interacting with many different types of people helps to foster understanding and learn compromise, very necessary skills in today's marketplace.
5. It gives you access to higher positions. Many different jobs actually require a degree. If you want to be a teacher, you need an education degree. If you want to be a doctor, you need a medical degree. Even in the business arena, you can go much further if you have an MBA.
6. It gives you a sense of pride. There's nothing more satisfying than creating a goal for yourself and seeing it through. Your college degree becomes more than just a piece of paper-it's a symbol of your determination.
7. It can help you transition between different job fields. The skills that you learn when you obtain a college degree often can be applied in a variety of fields. This means that if you are bored in your current job, it's much easier to change industries than it would be if you didn't have a college degree.
8. It allows you to try different paths. Few people know exactly what they want out of life when they finish high school. College gives you the opportunity to try out various fields and see what is best for you.
9. You may have a better family life. While there are always exceptions to the rule, statistics are starting to show that people who postpone marriage and children in favor of education and career have more successful relationships when they do settle down.
10. It can help with career placement. Most college campuses have a career center that can help you find jobs, write your resume, build interview skills, and interact with the types of companies you want to work for.