翻译英文 急!!!! 哪位仁兄帮帮忙 非常急!!!!!!!!!!

请将下面的一段话翻译出来,学校急用 谢谢

Sturcture Material Processing is a compulsary & comprehensive technical basic course for those who majored in mechanical in advanced engineering colleges. This course is mainly about the basic knowledge of materials and teknical methods of producing accessories (i.e. the essence, features, technology principle on processing and structure design of casting, press working, welding and cutting). It will lay a foundation of necessary material technology for students on studying other related courses or engaging in the work of machinery design in the future.
第1个回答  2010-12-14
Please send the following passage translated, school urgent. Thank you

Structural materials processing is higher engineering college in mechanical engineering required a comprehensive technical basic course. This course mainly introduces the material foundation knowledge and parts manufacturing process method (i.e., casting, pressure processing, welding, machining essence, characteristics, process and parts structure design process principle), for students to study other relevant courses and future engaged in mechanical design, manufacturing jobs laid the necessary material technology foundation