雅思口语An interesting historical event,急需,求

Describe an interesting historical event in your country
What it was
Who it involved
When it was
Why you think it was interesting

When it comes to this topic, I’d like to talk about a cultural event, it called ‘general day’. This is a local festival in my home town and this event is held every year in my hometown. This event is in memory of a great general in ancient China.

On the general day, people in my hometown will have many traditional activities, for example, we will have some traditional
foods, such dumplings and noodles, these foods are so delicious and it makes my mouth water just think about it! Besides, on this day, little kids will fly some kites and light some glim. People always have a good time that day.

As I told you before, the purpose of this day is in memory of a great general in ancient China. It was about 300 years ago, in my hometown there were 2 kingdoms, let me put it in an easy way, we just call it A and B, OK? There was a battle between A and B, Actually, B is way~~ much stronger than A with much more soldiers and much better army, it seems that A will definitely lose this battle. However, A had this great general who was very brave and very good at encouraging his soldiers, before the battle, he encouraged his soldiers, he said ‘we must protect our territory and our money and women, don’t be afraid of them! Trust ourselves! Nothing is impossible! Just fight!’ after heard his up-lifting words, his soldiers realized anything is possible and became very confident and brave, with the joint effort, A won this battle, and it all thanked to the encouraging words of that general. The up-lifting words encourage Chinese people from generations to generations.

We celebrate this cultural event because nowadays we all need positive energy, right? So ,this is a cultural event I’d like to talk about – ‘General Day’
第1个回答  2013-08-17
第2个回答  2017-07-17
An interesting historical event is the revolutionary war in the U.S. This war happened many years ago in America when the people wanted to separate from Britain to gain independence. In the war, George Washington was appointed as the general, which also made him the president after the success of this event. This event was interesting due to the tactics used by Americans as well as the huge historical impact it brought about.
其实讲的就是美国独立战争 随便扯一点史实依据 然后描述一下画面
第3个回答  2017-07-20
第4个回答  2017-09-12
Bro you can search Quora for "What are the most interesting historical facts" and you can get your frigging stunning helluva answer lul
Quora.com is in most occasions helpful when you need these interesting facts
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