
A landmark 2003 study by Goldman Sachs predicted that four economies — Russia, Brazil, India and China — will become a much larger force in the world economy than widely expected, based on projections of demographic and economic growth, with China potentially overtaking Germany this decade.


【主语】:A landmark 2003 study(一个具有重大意义的2003年的研究)
【定语(介词短语作后置定语,修饰study)】:by Goldman Sachs(戈德曼·萨克斯做的)
【宾语从句主语】:four economies— Russia, Brazil, India and China (四个国家:俄罗斯、巴西、印度、中国)
【宾语从句谓语(注意:这里become是系动词)】:will become(将变成)
【宾语从句表语(become后名词作表语)】:a much larger force(一股愈发强大的势力)
【宾语从句状语(地点状语)】:in the world economy(在全球经济)
【宾语从句状语(比较状语)】:than widely expected(超出人们广泛预期)
【定语(过去分词作后置定语,修饰前面整个句子)】:等价于非限制性定语从句(which is)based on projections of demographic and economic growth((这一研究结果)建立在人口统计和经济增长的预测上)
【状语(伴随状语)】:with China potentially overtaking Germany this decade(伴随着中国有潜力在十年内超过德国(这一经济增长预测))


第1个回答  2013-05-24
这是个主从复合句,主句的主语是a landmark2003 study, 主句的谓语是predicted,that引导了宾语从句, by Goldman SAchs是 a landmark的后置定语。在that的宾语从句中,four economies是主语,will become 是谓语,a much larger force 是宾语,in the world economy 是地点状语,than widely expected是比较状语,based on projections of demographic and economic growth 是过去分词短语作原因状语(说明四个经济体成为更强大力量的原因),也可以理解为是省略了which are的定语从句(定语从句的省略规则),with 直到最后是伴随状语,其中china potentially overtaking Germany是独立主格结构。
第2个回答  2013-05-24
A landmark 2003 study by Goldman Sachs predicted that four economies — Russia, Brazil, India and China ,是句子的主语,其中by Goldman Sachs predicted that four economies 是过去分词短语做定语,修饰study ;Russia, Brazil, India and China 是economies 的同位语。 will become 谓语动词,a much larger force in the world economy 是表语; than widely expected 是比较状语 based on projections of demographic and economic growth,过去分词短语作定语修饰force ,with China potentially overtaking Germany this decade.伴随或方式状语。
第3个回答  2013-05-24
主干是a study predicted that(从句)。一个里程碑式的、GS做的study预测说怎样怎样。

that从句主干是俄巴印中will become a force . 修饰force的是一个对比句子:much larger than expected.修饰预期(expected)的两个小句子:基于人口和经济增长的(预期)、(预期的内容是:)中国将在这个十年内超越德国。
第4个回答  2013-05-24
主语:A study
谓语: predicted
宾语从句:four economies will become a much larger force
— Russia, Brazil, India and China :宾语从句的主语的同位语
in the world economy 介词短语作地点状语