求茶理理 about me的歌词,要茶理理版的!!!


About Me

I have a story to tell
Do you hear me tonight? //今晚你有空吗?我想给你讲一个故事
Some things about me //是个关于我的故事
I’ll be waiting in bedroom
But anyway you can’t come //我会在卧室等着 但是我知道你来不了
I get it never mind //不过没关系

Now it is starting to rain //现在外面开始下雨了
I see your tears drop //我看到你在流泪
And my heart becomes heavy //我的心情也随之变得沉重起来
What’s this world coming to? //这世界将会变成怎样?
There’s nothing that can be done //我什么都做不到
I couldn’t care less //却也无法漠不关心

It’s wonderful for me that the world is moving now //世界继续发展 这对我来说是件好事
Some lights circle around and around //灯光不停旋转
I lost my head again //我又失去了控制
And just want to throw everything away //只想将一切都抛弃
Not easy for me //这并不简单

You know I’m afraid I am not as tender as you think //恐怕我并不如你所想的那样温柔
I look in your eyes and say, “I love you” with as fake mile
I don’t know what to do //我不知道该怎么办
Please tell me what I should do //请你告诉我应该怎么办吧
I just feel so sad, but I kiss you
Kiss you //我只是从心底里感到悲伤 可我还是吻了你 吻了你

I have a story to tell
Do you hear me tonight? //今晚你有空吗?我想给你讲一个故事
Some things about me //是个关于我的故事
I’ll be waiting in bedroom
But anyway you can’t come //我会在卧室等着 但是我知道你来不了
I get it never mind //不过没关系

Can’t get you out of my mind //我一刻不停地在想你
I’m such an idiot //我简直是个傻瓜
Same as usual //一如既往
You made me feel so better //你让我感觉好多了
It brings back memories //记忆回溯
Some things about you //全部是关于你的

My hands can’t take back that time I spent with you //我无法交还那些与你一同度过的时光
Some doubts broke me down, broke me down //些许猜疑将我击垮
If you were still alive, I wanted to say it’s not your fault
//如果你还在这个世上 我想要对你说 那不是你的错
But it’s too late for us //可对于我们来说 这已经太迟了

You know I’m afraid I am not as tender as you think //恐怕我并不如你所想的那样温柔
I look in your eyes and say, “I love you” with a fake smile
I don’t know what to do //我不知道该怎么办
Please tell me what I should do //请你告诉我应该怎么办吧
I just feel so sad, but I kiss you //我只是从心底里感到悲伤 可我还是吻了你
Kiss you //吻了你…

It’s wonderful for me that the world is moving now //世界继续发展 这对我来说是件好事
Some lights circle around and around //灯光不停旋转
I lost my head again //我又失去了控制
And just want to throw everything away //只想将一切抛弃
Not easy for me //这并不简单

気付いた时には终わりを告げ //当我意识到的时候已经宣告结束
风が冷たいこんな日は //每逢这般寒冷的刮风日子
君を思い出すよ //我都会想起你

You know I’m afraid I am not as tender as you think //恐怕我并不如你所想的那样温柔
I close my eyes and say, “I love you” with a fake smile
//我闭上了眼睛 带着真诚的笑容说出“我爱你”
I don’t know what to do //我不知道该怎么办
Please tell me what I should do //请你告诉我应该怎么办吧
I just feel so sad, but I say, “Goodbye” //我只是从心底里感到悲伤 可我还是说出了“再见”
Goodbye 再见…
