去你们国家旅游真贵 用英文翻译下


我想对他说 去你们国家旅游真贵 用英文翻译下吧,字典不管用 他看不明白
还有 有谁肯帮我提高英语呢,有朋友说让我买新概念,教书,反复的读反复的记,就可以学好英语,让我别去学校,我觉得他在骗人,因为我跟他说过,如果我要去学校他得支付我,所以他让我去买书,估计是想省点钱。

听说如果你要练习口语的话,只要在学校学一个月,就可以说简单母语了,是不是真的。昨天和那老外聊的很开心。但是我一直表达很错误的。他说要去洗澡,等下要帮我提高英语水平,我听成是外头要下雨,我们赶紧聊天。昨天他问我年龄,因为比较紧张,我回答他我才五岁,然后他再三问我确定五岁吗,我就说sorry,I AM22

如果换成你 你肯定气晕了 我不明白他的个性留言是这么写的love his girlfriend难道意思是说 他爱女朋友。可我想不明白啊,在他的Q上为什么这么写的,应该是i love girlfriend而不是他 应该是我

That's dear to travel in your country.
同老外交流的时候根本不要去考虑什么语法的问题.你就说.说出大意,老外一般都能明白的.逐渐你就会越来越好啦.当然凡一些错误是难免的,搞出笑话是肯定会有的. 我也同样经历过.
love his girlfriend 我想应该是他给别人看的,特别是他女朋友看的.他爱他的女朋友,不就是love his girlfriend 咯.没有问题!
第1个回答  2008-06-03
you could say that
It's so expensive there/ it's so expensive to visit your country

There is a big cost to visit your country
第2个回答  2008-06-03
There are many ways to express the same sentence. Here I would like to give you some examples as follows:

1, It is really expensive to travel in your country. (Very formal)
2, It is very expensive traveling in your country.
3, In your country it costs really too much to travel.
4, It costs me a lot if traveling in your country.

Well, referring to the phrase "love his girlfriend", you should read this way: love, his girlfriend. This means in Chinese: 亲爱的,他的女友
第3个回答  2008-06-03
well, you know, it's not really cheap to take a trip there.
第4个回答  2008-06-03
It costs a pretty penny to travel in your country .
a pretty penny 意思是相当多的钱,,,,
或者 it costs me a small fortune to trave in your country ..
这个句子更加口语化 a small fortune 意思是一大笔钱口语化
It is very expensive traveling in your country 这样翻译也可
love ,his girlfriend ,, 我不确定,,到底如何理解??恕能力有限,我是这样理解:他的女友很招人喜爱,,

如果理解为:“爱,他的女友,,”我想他应该不会是一个花花公子,???呵呵呵 费解
You should ask : why do you sign that word : love his girlfriend ,on your QQ?? and " love his girlfriend "confused me .
第5个回答  2008-06-04
it's too expensive for me to travel in your country.
或许他喜欢的人已经成为别人的女人了,他只能默默的在个性留言上表达出自己在喜欢的人面前说不出口的话...所以,love his girlfrend应该是“喜欢他的女人”...不一定对...