

Sun Wukong, the most important role in "Journey to theWest", is the ideal character of the author. The personality can be summedup in one word: trouble. He makes troubles during the journey and in East ChinaSea, hell and heavenly palace before go to the West. By describing all kinds oftrouble caused by Sun Wukong, the author demonstrates the character in the mostvivid way. An image of unwilling tomediocrity , dare to resist and indomitable are drawn with a strong pencil.Through Sun Wukong's "trouble", Wu Chengen, the author, tells thesocial reality of the late Ming Dynasty by metaphors, expresses strongdissatisfaction, and pursuits of dreams. The story concludes "social sense"and "philosophical significance" by making comparative analysis of"troubles" before and after the journey, and combining socialbackground of the birth of story.
第1个回答  2013-06-06
SunWukong / Monkey King Sun is the most important character /role of "Journey to the west " /" Pilgrimage to the west" ,which is the entrustment of the author's ideal ,whose personalities could be summarized with one word " troublesome"
第2个回答  2013-06-06
Sun Wukong is "journey to the west" is the most important role, is the support of ideal personality, which can be summed up in one word: trouble. From the East China Sea, before make hell, heaven, be still continue to learn from the time, based on the description of Sun Wukong, the characters reveal the most incisive, an unwilling to mediocrity, dare to struggle, firm and indomitable image stand vividly revealed on the paper. Wu Chengen through Sun Wukong's "downtown", a metaphor of the late Ming Dynasty, the social reality, expressed strong dissatisfaction with the author, as well as the single-minded pursuit of dreams. In this paper, through the comparison of Sun Wukong to make comparative analysis before and after the pilgrimage pilgrimage "trouble" in different forms, and summed up the "social" and "philosophical significance of the combination of works of the birth of social background".