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对西方人来说 ,文化讲的是 "Family First (家庭第一)"。这也是他们经常挂在嘴边的一句话。因为家里有事,他们可以改变事先定好的工作安排,甚至商务谈判。在他们看来,这是天经地义,再正常不过的事了。
一边是展示灾难,一边是尊重伤痛  越“坏”的新闻就是越“好”的新闻,有人“受难”固然是媒体聚焦所在,然而记者对新闻点的穷追猛打也会对受难的人产生伤害。西方媒体在操作过程中有很多守则关怀到受难人的感受。在BBC新闻手册中,《报道死亡、伤难以及压力》的准则中指出尽量避免对伤者脸部以及伤处的特写;在采访过程中,记者不能以任何形式强迫受访者接受采访,另其感到压力。 新闻从业手册《TheNewsManual》中这样写道:“(在灾难报道中,记者)不要干扰或妨碍救援队伍,尽量避免采访伤亡人员,”;在没有经过伤亡者的亲属或朋友授权的情况下,不能在报道中加入伤亡者的名字,展示逝者的面部是被禁止的。”;“把握好如何选择图片的尺度,尊重伤者。” 

Westerners adopted the cultural ideology of "Family First". This phrase is also the one that is usually uttered by them. They could change the pre-arranged working schedules, even the business negotiations, to deal with their family issues. From their point of view, it is very normal and very common.
On one hand, the news reports must exhibit the disasters; on the other hand, news reports also must respect the grieves. It is said the worst news is the best news, and someone who is "suffering" will be focused upon by mass media; however, the journalists' vocational pursuit of news events will also cause wounds to the people who suffered. There are a lot of guidelines concerning the feelings of the people who suffer from grieves, such as in the handbook of BBC for news reporting, there is a guideline called "reporting the deaths, injuries and pressues" which indicates that the faces and the wounded part of the body of wounded people shall be avoided in the portraits; during interviews, journalists shall not by any means force the interviewees to accept an interview or make she/he feel any mental strss or pressue. The news manual writes:in reporting disasters, journalists should not interfere with or hinder the relief teams and should avoid interviewing any of people who are wounded; they should not insert the name of the people who were killed or wounded into the news report unless with consent of the dead or wounded people's family members or friends, and display of face of dead people is forbidden; the journalists should choose approriate pictures and show respect to the wounded people.
第1个回答  2013-05-22
For westerns, ‘Family First’ is what their culture talks. It is their catch-phrase. Because trouble happens at home, they can change the pre-determined working arrangements, and even business negotiations. In their view, that is only right and proper, normal thing. One is showing a disaster, the other pays respect to pain. The more‘ugly’ news is that the more‘actual’ news, the course of some people‘suffering"’just is where the media focus. However, the victim was harmed again by the reporter pursuing vigorously to focus of the news. The Western media have a lot of codes for care of feelings to the victims in their works. ‘To try avoiding close-up to the injured face and the wound’ was point out in guidelines note of ‘reported deaths, injuries and stressed’ in Manual on BBC News; During the interview, the reporter can not compel the respondents to be interviewed with any way, and the respondent does not any pressure from reporter. The reporter do not interfere with or impede the rescue team and to try avoiding wounded interviewed; the names of the victims can’t be showed in its report without authorization from a relative or friend, show of deceased face prohibited; in order to respect the wounded, how to choose scale of the picture should be have a standard.
第2个回答  2013-05-21
i is too long to do
第3个回答  2013-05-21
as for the westerners ,"family first" is one of thier culture, which they often talk about.if something happens in thire family, they can change the set job arrangement, even business negotiation
.in thier eyes,this is a natural and normal thing.

