
比如状从Tom put books where it was可否等于定从Tom put books at the place that it was?
还有she is from where the sun rises到底是什么从句?请详析句子结构以及区分方法。谢谢~

状语从句 Tom put a book where it was .在意义上的确可等同于定语从句 Tom put a book at the place where it was.但就英语本身来说,后面这种表达很不地道。
如:上述定语从句 Tom put a book at the place that it was.中,the place就是先行词, where是关系副词,指代先行词做从句中was的表语,
像状语从句Tom put a book where it was .中,where并不指代任何词语,而主句中基本的句子成分完整,主语Tom ,谓语put(过去时),宾语a book,where引导的句子是为了使主句意义更完善,Tom放了一本书,放了书干嘛?放在它之前在的地方。这样意思才表达清楚。
至于句子:She is from where the sun rises.严格来说,我认为where引导的从句属于介词from的宾语从句,像She is from China.China就是介词from的宾语,只不过这里用一个句子代替,因为"太阳升起的地方"没有具体而简单的名次表示,所以就用一个句子了。
第1个回答  2019-12-09
第2个回答  2020-04-11
You'd better make a mark where you have any questions. You`d better make a mark at the place where you have any questions. 以上两句字意思相同,但第一个是状语从句,后一个是定语从句。定语从句有先行词THE PLACE,而状语从句没有。状语从句中where引导的句子做地点状语,不出现place. 定语从句出现先行词place,再用where引导的定语来修饰place
第3个回答  2013-06-17
Tom put books where it was.=Tom put books at the place where it was.
She is from where the sun rises.= She is from the place where the sun rises.