

This paper attempts to provide some theory basis for the mutual reference of Chinese and foreign teaching materials and the biology experiment teaching forhigh school students by comparing the “compulsory textbook of standard biology experimentsfor high school curriculum” published by People’s Education Press of China with the main textbook for US high schools, ”Biology: the dynamics of life”, which is translated and published by Zhejiang Education Publishing House; and by analyzing the experiment of “The effect of temperature on enzymatic reaction” in the two textbooks in terms of organizing the experiment contents, presentation and characteristics, so as to evaluate the special features of the experiment contents in the Chinese and the U.S. textbooks.   


This paper conducts a research on the mainstream biology teaching materials of the two countries by mainly adopting the methods of literature analysis and comparative study. The research focuses on the comparison of the experiment contents, ability cultivation and the follow-up study for the experiment of “Theeffect of temperature on enzymatic reaction” in the Chinese and U.S.textbooks.Through the comparative analysis of the two textbooks, it discovers that there are common points in the textbooks regarding the above-mentioned experiment: The basic concept of the curriculum in both the textbooks is to enhance high school students’ attainment of biological science and treat scientific enquiries as the approach and key link of Science learning; arrangements of both the textbooks are logical and the emphasis is on the integration of subjects; both focus on the thought of science, technology and society (STS), there are traits of literature and humanization in the language of the experiment used by both the textbooks.


At the end of the paper,the author offers some suggestions on the high school teaching of biology experiments. In the aspect of teaching, the cultivation of students’ exploration ability should be taken seriously; in the aspect of content selection, the textbook published by People’s Education Press should be in close touch with our life, increase experiments that apply biology knowledge which is related to daily life, improve its openness and increase the

supplementary use of cyber sources.    

第1个回答  2013-05-16
Based on the quasi published by people's education press in China "the ordinary high school curriculum standard experiment textbook biology compulsory teaching materials and zhejiang jiangsu education press mainstream American high school biological teaching materials compiled the raw material: the power of life. The analysis of the effect of temperature on enzymatic reaction this experiment in two kinds of teaching materials in the experiment content and characteristics of the organization, is now way, thus to our characteristics, evaluation of experiment contents in the textbooks of China and the United States, for the Chinese and foreign teaching materials of biological experiment teaching of middle school and provide some theoretical basis. This paper mainly adopts literature analysis, comparative research method such as study of mainstream high school biology textbooks in China and the United States. Mainly is the needle to the temperature effect on the enzymatic reaction experiments in the textbooks of experimental content, ability training, continue to study the comparative study of experiment. Based on a comparative analysis of high school biology textbooks in China and the United States, found that high school biology textbooks in China and the United States the influence of temperature on enzymatic reaction experiments on the teaching material content has things in common: both materials in order to improve the biological science literacy of high school as the basic idea of curriculum; Both materials science inquiry as the study of science method and the key link; Both comprehensive teaching materials reasonably arrangement emphasize subject, pay attention to in teaching material through science, technology and society (STS); Both the experiment such language has the characteristics of the literariness and humanistic. At the end of the paper, the author puts forward Suggestions on high school biology experiment teaching. In the aspect of teaching, it is recommended that emphasis on the cultivation of student's inquisition ability; On the selection of content, schools are teaching materials should be close to life本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2013-05-16