

Christmas Banquet
Just like we Chinese have a feast on New Years' Eve, Westerners also have the same tradition of the importance of getherring-together around the Christmas tree and having a good meal at the same time. The tradition of turkey meal at Christmas banquet began at the year 1620. The whole family bonded together to a restaurant.Alse,the turkey and beacon are neccessary.With a bottle of fancy wine,all the people enjoy their meal and have fun.
第1个回答  2008-05-11
Christmas feast
Just as Chinese people eat Nianfan the New Year, Christmas in Europe and America who also pay attention to the family were sitting around a Christmas tree, holiday meal together. Christmas turkey dinner to eat the custom began in 1620. This custom on Christmas Eve, the whole family, friends and relatives about Laoxiao droves to restaurants to eat meal Christmas dinner, including turkey, Prince Philip chicken, meat and burned cowboy Zhutui essential, accompanied by Wines, eat everyone happy.