用以下词组造句①bad temprd,good tempered,lose one’s ②sly ③paly a trick on sb.

④in line,on line ⑤get...into trouble ,be in trouble with ⑥ a number of ,the number of

  1 Don‘t be bad tempered!Be good tempered!You should keep calm。
  She lost her bag yesterday。她昨天包丢了。
  2 You can’t be shy when you have questions to ask others。要不耻下问。
  3 It‘s rude to play a trick on sb。耍弄别人是不礼貌的。
  4 They are standing in line /on line。他们在排队。
  5 He got me into trouble。他使我陷入了麻烦。
  What are you in trouble with?你碰到什么麻烦了?
  6 A number of people are waiting for the bus。很多很多的人在等汽车。
  The number of the boys in our class is 26。我们班男孩数是26。
第1个回答  2013-03-19
1 Don‘t be bad tempered!Be good tempered!You should keep calm。
  She lost her bag yesterday。她昨天包丢了。
  2 You can’t be shy when you have questions to ask others。要不耻下问。
  3 It‘s rude to play a trick on sb。耍弄别人是不礼貌的。
  4 They are standing in line /on line。他们在排队。
  5 He got me into trouble。他使我陷入了麻烦。
  What are you in trouble with?你碰到什么麻烦了?
  6 A number of people are waiting for the bus。很多很多的人在等汽车。
第2个回答  2013-03-18