英语中的That's it怎么用

很多年前看电视的时候看到人上台讲话,最后总结的时候说了一句That's it。后来我英语课上台演讲的时候也用了这句结束语,结果外教给我写评语的时候加了一句“Do no end with ' that's it' ”.我现在还是很疑惑,到底什么时候能用这句话作总结呢?这句话还有其他什么的用途?

That's it 比较口语化,所表达的意思也比较多,如表示赞同的“对,就是这样。”还有表示反感的“得了,行了,够了”等,而用来表示“结束”的话其中暗含仅此而已,没有别的了,用在演讲结束语上不太合适,还不如That's all, thank you.
第1个回答  2013-03-21
that's it的意思有两类,下面举例说明一下:1. used to say that something has ended
Well, that's it, we've finished - we can go home now.
That's it! I'm not putting up with any more of her rudeness.
2.used to say that something is correct
You switch the computer on at the back. That's it.
这个是我自己找的,演讲的时候不能以这么口语化的句子,可以用“that's all,thank you!”
第2个回答  2013-03-21
最后总结的话 就是“以上就是全部了”。一般的话,就是“那就是了”。
第3个回答  2013-03-21
1. used to say that something has ended
Well, that's it, we've finished - we can go home now.
That's it! I'm not putting up with any more of her rudeness.
2.used to say that something is correct
You switch the computer on at the back. That's it.
第4个回答  2013-03-21