

第1个回答  2008-05-12
(1)make + 宾;+间宾+直宾;+直宾+for 做,制造

make paper;She made me a coat = She made a coat for me.


Too much food made him ill.

(3)make + 宾+补(to�v.) (迫)使某人(某做事)

They made her wait.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2008-05-12 they make them [口]非常..., 极端..., 格外...
be made for 最理想的, 最适宜的
be made for each other 配合得很好; 是天生的一对
have it made [口]有成功的把握; 很容易办到
got it made [口]有成功的把握; 很容易办到
how make that out 怎么得出这样的结论
on the make 利欲熏心, 一心想发财 在成长中, 在前[改]进中 [美俚]追求异性
What makes you here? 你来这儿干什么?
make after 追逐, 跟随
make against 和...相违反; 不利于; 有害于
makeand mend [英]【海】空闲时间; 半休日 缝缝补补
make anything of it [常用于否定句]了解, 弄清(I can't make anything of it. 我简直弄不明白。)
make as if 假装, 装作; 好象要
make as though 假装, 装作; 好象要
make at 扑向; 攻击
make away 离去, 逃走
make away with 带走, 拿走, 偷走 杀死; 毁弃, 减掉 浪费, 吃掉
make believe 假装
make big [美, 俚](在自已的事业中)取得显著成绩; 飞黄腾达
make do and mend 修补一下对付使用
make do (with) 凑合着用; 用...勉强对付
make do without 在没有...的情况下, 设法应付过去
make down 改小(衣服)
make for 有利于..., 有助于... 造成; 促进 走向; 冲向; 袭击
make free with 对...放肆无礼; 任意处理; 随便使用
make from [make up from]用...制成, 用...做成
make in 走进, 进入; 干涉; 加入
make into 制成, 做成; 使转变为
make it 及时赶到, 办成功; 达到目的; 规定时间; [口]痊愈; 性交
make it up 和解, 讲和
make known 使知晓; 传达
make like [美俚]模仿
make of 用...造 了解, 明白
make off 匆忙离去, 逃走
make off with 携...而逃; 把...拿走 [口]用掉, 花光
make on 在...上获利, 在...赚钱
make or meddle [古][方]和...有关, 对...感兴趣; 干预
make out 书写, 填写, 开列 拼凑; 勉强度日 勉强做到, 好不容易做成功 声称, 企图证明, 把...说成 假装, 装作 理解, 懂得 辨认出 [口]进展, 开展 [美俚]接吻, 爱抚; 性交
make out of 用...制造出... 理解, 了解
make over 转让, 移交 改造; 把(衣服等)改制; 改写
make sb. acquainted with 把...告知某人; 使某人认识
make sb. bleed 使某人忍痛出钱; 敲诈吝啬者的钱
make sb. freely 使某人忍痛出钱; 敲诈吝啬者的钱
make sb. sit up 使某人大吃一惊, 吓某人一跳; 使某人痛苦
make sb. sit up and take notice 使某人大吃一惊, 吓某人一跳; 使某人痛苦
make sb. think 引起某人深思, 使某人深省
make through with 完成
make toward(s) 向...走去; 走近; 通向; 向...延伸
make up 弥补; 补偿; 赔偿; 补足; 补(考) 拼凑成; 配制; 包装 编辑, 编制 虚构; 捏造 缝制 组成 调停; 和解 结算(帐目); 整理(房间等); 准备(床铺等); 包装 化装; 打扮 添加燃料 缔结(协定、婚姻等) 洗(牌) 偿还, 还清
make up for 补偿, 弥补
make up to 接近, 巴结; 追求(女人); 和(某人)调情
make with 用(眼、口、手、脚等)做动作; 做出; 使用; 提供

make shape fashion construct manufacture

make 系常用词, 指“任何生产、形成或组成", 如:
This machine is made in China .

shape 指“由塑造、铸造、切割、敲打而形成", 如:
The child shaped clay into balls.

fashion 指“用手、某些工具或原料做成具有一定形状的东西, 但通常暗示发明者的才华", 如:
They discovered that they could shear sheep, take the wool, weave it and fashion the material into warm coats and suits,.
他们发现他们能够剪羊毛、纺绒线、织成毛料, 然后把毛料做成暖和的衣服。

construct 指“按设计把许多部分组成一个整体", 如:
They constructed a big bridge.

manufacture 指“用机器生产或制造", 尤指“使用机器大规模生产与制造", 如:
We can manufacture high-precision machine tools.
第3个回答  2008-05-12
make sb. do sth.使某人做某事。
be made to do sth.被怎么样
be made of 由什么(材料)制成
be made in 由哪里制造。
第4个回答  2008-05-12