
1. -Have you been acquainted with each other for long?
-Not very long, ____________ we started to work in the company.
A. after B. before C. when D. since(正确)
我选B SINCE不是完成时吗 没有这个标志

2. I _____ in London for many years, but I’ve never regretted my final
decision to move back to China.
A. lived B. was living C. have lived D. had lived
这道题 怎么分析 要分析!! D为什么不行,有FOR +一段时间 应该是过去完成时呀

3. More time ______,we should have done it much better.

A. giving B. gives C. given D. gave

4.______ in a heavy traffic jam is quite an unpleasant experience.
A. Stuck B.Having stuck C. Being stuck D.To stick
怎么分析 我选了A是错了

选D是自从的意思 自从我们开始在公司里上班 选B可以啊 意思是在我们在一个公司上班之前就认识了 那说明你们认识很久了 和题意不符 人家说Not very long
2.过去完成时强点的是过去的过去 记住选过去完成时的前提是句子中得有一个过去式
过去我从伦敦搬回中国 现在我不后悔 正好是过去的动作对现在造成的影响啊
3.C 这是一个主从复合句 逗号后面的为主句 主句的主语是we 句意为我们本应该做的更好 而从句的主语是 More time 时间与we的关系是被动的 因为只能是时间被给 时间不会自己主动给我们的 做这样的题 理清是主动还是被动就好
4.C be stuck in 是固定搭配 ,题干缺的是主语 A不能做主语啊 只有动词ing形式 和动词不定式等可以做主语啊 换另一种情况就可以了 比如说是以个主从复合句 像第三题一样的题型
第1个回答  2013-03-31
21. is widely acknowledged that there is life, there is hope.
A. It; whether B. As; whether C. As; where D. It; where
22.It’s a headache trying to ________ in a strange, new town. I will just take a taxi and avoid all the trouble.
A. settle down B.work out C. hold out D. get around
23.The course about Chinese food attracts over 100 students per year, _______ up to half are from overseas.
A. in which B.of whom C. with which D. for whom
24.It takes about 30 minutes to go there by car, _______ on the traffic.
A. depended B. to depend C. depending D. to be depended
25.Your headmaster would have been happy to give you two days off, if you had gone and explained that your parents _______ ill at the time.
A. were B. had been C. are D. would be
26.—Did any signs come up before the earthquake?
—Yes. Unusual things all those days, for example, a number of animals got out their homes.
A. happening B. were happening C. has happened D. had happened
27.—Did you look up the time of the high-speed trains to Shanghai?
—Yes, the early train is _ to leave at 5:30 a.m.
A. likely B. possible C. due D. about
28.Many people hold the view that Mo Yan ________ among the world’s greatest writer.
A. promotes B. rates C. regards D. ranks
29.It is reported in Japan that its production in the car industry decreased by 9.5 percent in the fourth quarter in comparison with ________ in the preceding quarter as a result of Chinese people’s boycott of Japanese goods after Diaoyu-Island crisis.
A. one B. that C. it D. those
30.A mailman in America has taken ________ from the popular children’s cartoon and carries his deliveries out with a cat accompanying him.
A.inspiration B. ambition C. accommodation D.administration
31.In case anyone _____ come in my absence, tell him I will be back soon.
A. would B. should C. will D. shall
32.— Hi, Robert. How was your journey to Ottawa?
— ____________. The bus broke down halfway.
A. Couldn’t be better B. I couldn’t get it right
C. That’s a good point D. I managed somehow
33.You can’t complain of being lonely ________ you don’t make any effort to meet people.
A. when B. unless C. despite D. although
34.— Do you know __________ they got to know each other?
— It was last year ________ they both taught Chinese in Scotland
A. when was it that; when B. when it was that; that
C. when it was that; when D. when was it that; that
35.—If this had happened to you, what would you have done?
—Me? I ________ the alarm.
A. would turn on B. would have turned on
C. had turned on D. must have turned on
21-25 DDBCA 26-30 BCDBA 31-35 BDACB追问

不是哦。我已经打出来了 帮我回答一下吧

第2个回答  2013-04-03
1.since后可跟从句 从句用过去时
2.过去居住在伦敦 的动作肯定发生在现在后悔动作之前 如果用D 则是 表示过去的动作延伸到过去的这个时间段结束 而句意 时间段 只有一个 过去 和一个 现在 而已 那是从句 从句的额谓语动作发生在主句之前 用完成时态
3.这是一个虚拟语气 given既表过去又表被动
4.应该选择C 因为很明显,这个句子缺少主语,而这几个选项中只有C可以做主语。(动名词和动词不定式才可以做主语,其他形式的动词不行。D虽然是动词不定式,但是介词错了,be caught in才对
第3个回答  2013-03-31
这句话 还原一下you have been acquainted with each other ____________ we started to work in the company.这样应该能看出来答案是since.since通常接过去时的句子,主句用的是现在完成时

高中阶段,for+时间段不一定是现在完成时的标志了,只能说,有这个for短语,里面必须是个延续性的动词。 是不是用现在完成式要看这个动作跟现在有没有联系。后一句已经交代我现在是住在中国的,所以住在伦敦就是个简单的过去的动作。




然后这里又表示被动,所以应该选C. Being stuck


第4个回答  2013-03-31
1. -Have you been acquainted with each other for long?
-Not very long, ____________ we started to work in the company.
A. after B. before C. when D. since(正确)
我选B SINCE不是完成时吗 没有这个标志
分析:提问里面有完成时态Have you been,所以选since

2. I _____ in London for many years, but I’ve never regretted my final
decision to move back to China.
A. lived B. was living C. have lived D. had lived
这道题 怎么分析 要分析!! D为什么不行,有FOR +一段时间 应该是过去完成时呀
分析:C 因为这里面没有过去时态做铺垫。所以,只能用现在完成时。因为题目里面表达的意思是:尽管我在伦敦住了很多年,但我从未后悔返回中国的决定。

3. More time ______,we should have done it much better.

A. giving B. gives C. given D. gave
分析:C 因为时间不能做动作,所以,时间只能被给与,而且,完成时态的动词一般作表语用。

4.______ in a heavy traffic jam is quite an unpleasant experience.
A. Stuck B.Having stuck C. Being stuck D.To stick
怎么分析 我选了A是错了
分析:C 因为你是“被”困在堵车的潮流当中,而这个过程是持续不断的,再加上被动词组当主语用,所以,构成了C答案。