

Jack was waken up by the cry "The house is on fire. Help!”“What is happening?”Jack looked out of the window and found his neighbour's house was on fire. Jack quickly jumped out of bed and ran to pick up the telephone and made a call to the firefighters and then he ran out to help his neighbour to put out the fire. The firefighters soon arrived and put out the fire in a short while. The owner of the house and the firefighters were very thankful to Jack.
第1个回答  2008-05-13
Jack was woke up by the sound of " catch fire! Help!"
what happened?! Jack look toword from the window, he found that his neighbor's house was on fired.
Jack jumpped from the bed at once, and run to pick up the phone, call the fireman. And help his neighbor put out a fire. sonn the fireman arrived, they put out the fire as soon as possible.
The house owner and the fire man are thankfully with Jack!
第2个回答  2008-05-13
Help to translate this following written language: Jack has " caught fire, the help! "Cry wake. "What happened? "Jack looks outside the window, finds the neighbour's has caught fire. Jack jumps off from bed rapidly, picks up the telephone by going to the telephone, phone fire fighter, then run out and help the neighbour to put out the fire. The fire fighter arrives quickly, put out the fire in a short period of time, owner in the house and fire fighter all thank Jack very much.
第3个回答  2008-05-13
The Jake quilt “has caught fire, saves a life!”The cry awakens. “what matter has had?”Jake to the window outside looked that discovered the neighbor caught fire. Jake jumps down rapidly from the bed, runs up to nearby the telephone to take up the telephone, telephoned for the fireman, then runs helps the neighbor fire fighting. The fireman rushes very quickly, in a short time suppresses the fire, the house master and the firemen thanks Jake.
第4个回答  2008-05-13
Jack was "on fire, life-saving ah!" Call for help. "What had happened» "Jack looked to the window and found the neighbor is on fire. Jack quickly jumped from bed, went to the phone next to pick up the phone to call firefighters Dale Ge, and then ran out to help fire-fighting neighbors. Firefighters arrived quickly, in a very short time the fire extinguished, the house owner and the firefighters are very grateful to Jack.