
当我们作为一个观众聆听别人演讲是不同于当自己作为一个演讲者作演讲的状况。(希望用到when怎样用从句连接different from)
如果正规书面语是怎样呢? that 从句 还是when 从句?

That we listen to others' speech as the audience is different from the situation when we make speeches as the spokesmen.
Listening to others' speech as the audience is different from the situation when we make speeches as the spokesmen. 是一样的。
that 和when 在正规书面语中都可以用的,只是句子会有变化。追问


第1个回答  2013-04-01
The situation we face when we listen to others' speech as an audience is different from that when we give a speech (ourselves).

that 指的是the situation we face, when是解释这个状况的,两个都是从句的先行词~
第2个回答  2013-04-01
The situation when we listen to others' speech as a spectator is different from the situation when we give a speech as a lecturer.
第3个回答  2013-04-01
Listening to other people's speeches is different from when you are the speaker.
第4个回答  2013-04-01
The situation that when we as the audience to listen to people is different from ourselves as a speaker.

that 是从句
第5个回答  2013-04-01
It is different when we listen to the speech as an audiance from as a person who deliver the speech.