

sān qú dào zhōng,sòng dài:zēng jī
méi zǐ huáng shí rì rì qíng,xiǎo xī fàn jìn què shān xíng。
lǜ yīn bù jiǎn lái shí lù,tiān dé huáng lí sì wǔ shēng。
1. 译文:
When the plums are ripe, it's sunny every day. After sailing to the end of the small stream, one walks through the mountain path again. The ancient trees in the mountains are lush and green, much like they were on the way here. Deep in the woods, several orioles sing, adding to the serene pleasure of the journey.
2. 注释:
"三衢道中" refers to the road leading to Sanqu in Zhejiang province. Sanqu is modern-day Quzhou, with the name derived from the nearby Sanqu Mountain. "梅子黄时" indicates the time when plums are ripening, usually in May. "小溪泛尽" means sailing to the end of a small stream. "却山行" indicates walking along the mountain path again. "阴" means shade or greenery. "不减" suggests that the shade is as dense as before. "黄鹂" refers to orioles.
Background and Author Introduction:
Zeng Ji was a poet who loved traveling. This poem was written during his visit to Sanqu Mountain in Zhejiang. It expresses the poet's fresh impressions of the scenery along the journey. Zeng Ji (1084-1166) was a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, with the courtesy name Jipu and the literary name Cha Shan Jushi. He was from Ganzhou (modern-day Ganzhou city, Jiangxi province). Zeng Ji was well-versed in literature and diligent in state affairs. His student Lu You wrote a "Tomb Inscription" for him, praising his profound knowledge, saying that "in his spare time, he wrote articles that were elegant and pure, especially his poetry, which was excellent." He was included in the Jiangxi School of Poetry. His poetry is mostly about expressing emotions and exchanging verses, with a leisurely and light style. His five- and seven-character poems pay attention to natural antithesis and smooth rhythm. His works such as "Gift to the Novice Monk" and "New Year's Eve in the South Mountain" show his poetic skills. His works "Explanation of the I Ching" and "Collected Works" have been lost. The "Cha Shan Ji" (8 volumes) is included in the "Four Collections."