
Please use microeconomics concepts (demand and supply model) to analyse.
some aspects are:
marginal cost
opportunity cost

thanks in advance
Suppose the question is not in terms of coffee, instead, there is an ice cream shop nearby in which 1 spoon of ice cream cost me 3 dollars whilst 2 spoons cost 3.50. How come this would happen?


  According to Demand and Supply model(供给需求模型):

  To the supply aspect, the marginal cost is decreasing as the amount of commodity they produce is increaing(生产者:边际成本递减). That implies the more ml of coffee they produce, the less average cost they will have to pay for the addtional ml of coffee. Because the total cost of produce a cup of coffee include fixed cost(beginning investment, rent, machines, and here we can include the cup) and flexible cost(beans, electricity and heat).

  cost of coffee per ml = fixed cost of coffee per ml + flexible cost per ml

  As fixed cost of produce a cup of coffee remains the same or increase slightly (maybe the larger cup has to use a little more plastic), the more mls of coffee in the cup, the less average cost of each ml of coffee(that is the cost of coffee per ml). Moreover, the flexible cost of coffee per ml usually is extremely low compared to the fixed cost per ml.

  To the demand aspect, the marginal utility of consumer is also decreasing as the amount of comodity they achieve is increasing(消费者:边际效用递减). That implies the more ml of coffee they have, the less money they're willing to pay for the additional ml of coffee. According to this theory, more mls of coffee in one cup, the less the average utility of each ml of coffee to the consumer - therefore less average value per ml to them. As the demand of the additional ml of coffee decrease, the balance price of supply and demand per ml will also decrease. As long as the supplier want to meet the balance point in the Supply and Demand model, they have to sell the additional mls of coffee cheaper.

  The above anysis also applies to questions that is not in terms of coffee.(其他案例:同理)

  关于供求模型我只能回答这么多,至于机会成本oppotunity cost和外部效应externality我不知道怎样应用,请其他回答者帮忙看看吧。
第1个回答  2008-05-07

第2个回答  2008-05-06
第3个回答  2008-05-07
兄弟 因为你买东西的时候 你就占着位子 不管你喝的是小杯的 还是大杯的 你喝的时候 如果人多 别人就不能喝 而且你享受了他们这里的服务 这个小杯的是加服务费加机会成本费加店面费的 中杯多的那5元才是所谓的饮料费的