

我最喜欢的女演员是奥戴丽赫本 至于男演员…虽然看了许多电影 但并没有特别衷爱的 衷爱的电影倒是不少 喜欢赫本的原因有1she is beautiful.This obvious to all.Everyone will fall in love with her at the first sight 2she is kindhearted.she has an angle soul,she always try her best to help the poor,the disabled and the weak 3She is good at performance. Every movie sh's acted was highly regarded. You find all of these from her representive works A Holiday In Roman,窈窕淑女,蒂凡妮的早餐(这两部电影不会翻译)
第1个回答  2013-07-08
I like Edison.he every handsome. I like!~