
21. He doesn’t know ___ he should go with her.
A. if or not B. whether or not C. if not D. whether not
22. There were then more then 200 children ___ dance in the school.
A. to study B. studied C. study D. studying
23. I expressed the hope ___ they would come to visit China again.
A. that B. as C. although D. whether
25. He lost his watch, his car broke down, and he got a letter of complaint from a customer: ___, he had a bad day.
A.by the way B. after all C.whereupon D. all in all
28. The manager is satisfied with ___ you’ve done.
A. that B. all what C. which D. all that
29. The concert usually takes place at the hall, with the audience ___ on the ground.
A. seating B. seated C. be seating D. to seat
30. It’s high time ___.
A. we should leave B. we should have left C. we leave D. we left
31. ___ to finish quickly.
A. No every student wants B. No every student want
C. Not every student want D. Not every student wants
32. The film is based on a short story ___ is familiar to those villagers.
A. such B. which C. what D. when
33. Only recently ___ to deal with the problem.
A. has anything been done B. anything has been done
C. has anything done D. anything has done
34. The petrol tank is empty. I ___ it up before we left home.
A. had to fill B. could have filled
C. should have filled D. would have filled
35. ___, health is more important than wealth.
A. In a word B. Overall C. Therefore D. But then
36. The book is dull. ____ I read, ____ I like it
A. The less…the less B. The more…the more
C. The less…the more D. The more…the less
40. The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable to ____.
A. sit on B. sit C. be sat D. be sat on
42 Your advise is good. I’ll ___ it.
A. take B. give C. make

21C 22D 23A 25D 28D 29A 30C 31D 32B 33C 34C 35A 36D 40A 42A
第1个回答  2013-07-02
第2个回答  2013-07-02