

  Smoking Is Harmful  
It is said that about half of people in China smoke. Many young boys and girls have the habit of smoking, though they are middle school students 
 As we all know, smoking does great harm to human beings. More and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. But they are never bored with it. Some people think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others think that smoking can refresh themselves.  Smoking causes many illnesses. A lot of people always cough because of smoking. The most serious illness caused by smoking is lung cancer. Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.  
In order to keep healthy, we should get rid of the bad habit of smoking. Please stop smoking at once. 
 据说,中国有一半人在吸烟。许多男孩和女孩都有吸烟的习惯,尽管他们还是中学生。  众所周知,吸烟对人身体有害。越来越多的人们认识到这个问题的严重性,但他们仍然乐此不疲。一些人认为抽烟是一种时尚,一些人认为抽烟很有趣,还有一些人认为吸烟可以提神。  吸烟能导致很多疾病。由于吸烟,一些人一直在咳嗽。肺癌是吸烟导致的最严重的疾病。同时,吸烟很浪费金钱。除此而外,粗心的烟民还可能引起火灾。  为了保证人们的身体健康,我们应当改掉吸烟的坏习惯。请立即停止吸烟吧。
第1个回答  2013-07-13
Smoking is harmful to the smoker's heathy. Smoke may result in a dark teeth and may cause bronchitis and lung deases. When the smokes spead into the air, it will make the air dirty and not good to other people, specially for the kids and old peoples. Smoking in public will disturb others and is not polite as well.
Of course, to the ordinary familly,smoking will cost a big money and is a heavy burden for the life.


第2个回答  2013-07-13
Smoking Is Harm Yo Our Health
As we all know ,with the development of our society.More and more people are addicted in cigratees.However,the cigaretees have large bad effect on our health.
In resent research,there are lots of senior high school student or even middle school student have a habbit of smoking. For these students ,cigarettes have affect the function of there lungs.For some adults,they may have smoked for seveal years.They may cough or have problems in breath from time to time .
The last point i want to make it is that ,Smoking can cause a big bill. We may cost lots of money on it.So we might as well do not smoke.As an old saying goes:Smoking is harm to our health.