


Listening comprehension
short conversation (形式:男女对话。)

long conversation (形式:男女对话。)

passage (形式:三篇短文200-300字。)

compound dictation (形式:8+3式的考试。)

2.单词:GRE 读研
GMAT 商科 20,000字
TOEFL 12,000 -13,000字
IELTS 7,000字
六级 5,500字
四级 4,500字
beat: 打
beat around the bush:
beat the crowds:
beat it:

play gooseberry
bear’s service
(2)社会性的事物:hot dog, telephone book, monologue
听力部分:(短对话) 预读选项原则:先竖后横
Jessie should know the marketing director better.
Jessie is wrong to find fault with her boss.
Jessie seems to have a lot on her mind.
Jessie always says what she thinks.


a). He is the right man to get the job.
b). …….
c). …….
d). He is not likely to get the job.

听力部分:(短对话) 关键词:转折词 让步词(50%)
转折词:but however

But 的三种位置:
让步词 Although
听力部分:(短对话) 关键句型
建议 请求句型:
You’d better…
What about / how about…
Why not / why don’t…
Let’s …

听力部分:(短对话) 大方向原则


11 What can be inferred about the man?
[听力原文] W:Why are you leaving so early? The movie doesn‘t start till seven. M;I don’t want to be in the traffic there.It‘s a nightmare on the expressway during rush hours. Q:What can be inferred about the man? [解析] 预读选项中expressway,rush hours,heavy traffic,nightmare等同后,判断对话一定是关于高速公路交通堵塞。对话中男士说:我不想被堵在那儿,上下班高峰期在高速公路上简直是噩梦。所以可以引申出,男士想要避开上下班高峰期。

Expressway / highway
highway: a main road,esp. one between towns or cities;

Highway / public road: any road freely open to everyone

Toll gate

Toll road
Expressway / highway
freeway=motorway :a wide road built for fast moving traffic travelling long distances,

Expressway - a divided highway with [partial] control of access.
Freeway - a divided highway with [full] control of access.

Superhighway / thruway
12 Why has the child grown so tall according to the man?
[听力原文] W:I know why that child has grown so tall by the age off our.His mother requires him to drink a cup of milk every night before going to bed. M:It may not be the reason.The child‘s father is 2 meters tall. Q:Why, has the child grown so tall according to the man? [解析] 预读选项可得知本题是关于男士生活特点问题的。其中milk,enough sleep,exercise,genes等词体现出这一点。在对话中,女士开始就点题why that child has grown so tall by the age off our.(为什么四岁的孩子长这么高?)男士回答:The child's father is 2 meters tall.暗示原因为基因。故答案为D)。
13 What are the two speakers doing?
[听力原文] M:Step a little bit over to the boat and wear a little more smile.You look gorgeous.Just keep this pose Ready? I will press the shutter. W:Just wait a moment.I want to hold my small cat in my arms. Q:What are the two speakers doing? [解析] 预读选项可知这是一道行为活动题,要求根据谈话内容判断双方正进行的活动。因此应着重注意对话中表示动作的词汇。由男士话中的wear a little more smile以及I will press the shutter.可推测出他们正在拍照片。

Shutter -> shut

关闭者, 百叶窗, 快门, <美俚>安眠药
关上, 装以遮门, 以百叶窗遮闭
14 What does the man suggest the woman do?
[听力原文] W:I can't find the kind of jogging shoes I want anywhere in town. M;Why not order from the Internet? It's easier than running around town looking for them. Q:What does the man suggest the woman do? [解析] 首先,本题选项均为动词词组,可以推断问题应与“行动”有关,其次,在发现所有选项没有联系时,可预计每选项涉及的内容都会在对话中出现,故此类题需要听清问题及各选项之间的关系。对话中,女士先提到买不到jogging shoes慢跑运动鞋,男士建议可以在Internet网络上订购。问题侧重男上给女士何种建议,故答案为C)在网上购买鞋。
jogging shoes
Jogging pants
15 What happened to Mr.Hunt's project?
[听力原文] M:How did Mr.Hunt‘s  project turn out? I heard he had difficulties,but then he could get the  loan he wanted. W:It’s true.He did have difficulties at first.But all in all,the project couldn‘t have turned out better. Q:What happened to Mr.Hunt’s project? [解析] 预读选项中的difficult,fail,stop,successful等词可推断主题是关于“做某事成功与否”,并且通过 lack of money,lack of land,可预知对话分析了成功与否的原因。对话中,the project couldn‘t have turned out better.表示“此项目再好不过了”,说明项目是成功的。其中男士的话trouble with the financing,女士的have difficulties at first,均为干扰信息
16 What does the man suggest the woman do?
[听力原文] W:I'd really like to go to the concert tonight,but I don't know if I can spare the time. M:Music is always relaxing to me.It might be worth it in the long run. Q:What does the man suggest the woman do? [解析] 预读选项,relax一词为高频词,可以推断与某种“放松”方式有关;同时music,concert出现次数相对多,也可以推断与“听音乐会”有关;对话中,女士说“今晚非常想去听音乐会,但不确信是否有时间。”男士回答“从长远看,值得一去。”其中in the long run意为“从长远看”,而与“跑步”无关。故答案为D)。
17 What does the woman most probably mean?
[听力原文] M:Your math score is so low.When was the last time you passed the math exam? W:It was before Michael transferred to another school.He has been so helpful that I simply cannot understand all those math principles without him. Q:What does the woman most probably mean? [解析] 由选项推测本题为学习场景。由女士的回答中可知,从Michael转学后其数学从未及格,以及她说I simply cannot understand all those math principles without him.可知没有Michael对她的帮助,她学不好数学。
18 What does the woman mean?
[听力原文] M:Do you have a seat for the concert tomorrow? W: No seats at all,but we sell standing room tickets two hours before the performance. Q: What does the woman mean? [解析] 预读选项发现ticket出现多次,另Walt,stand in line,buy a standing room ticket,均可得出结论“在排队买票”。对活中,女士说but we sell standing room tickets two hours before the performance.(但是我们在演出的两个小时会卖站票)。这说明男士可以买到站票,故答案为D)。
19. What is the first problem with the man's reservation?
[听力原文]19-21 M: Hi. I have a reservation for tonight. W: And your name? M: It's Nelson. Charles Nelson. W: Okay. Mr. Nelson. That's a room for five, and... M: Excuse me? Do you mean a room for five dollars? I didn't know the special was so good. W: No, no, no. According to our records, a room for five guests was booked under your name. M: No. No. Hold on. There must be some mistake. W: Okay. Let's check again. Okay, Mr. Charles C. Nelson for tonight.... M: Ah. There's the problem. (19) My name is Charles Nelson, not Charles C. Nelson. You must have two guests under the name. W: Okay. Let me check again. Oh. Okay. Here we are. Charles Nelson. A room for one for the 19th....
20 What kind of room did the man reserve at last?
M: Wait, wait! It was for tonight. Not tomorrow night. W: Hum. I don't think we have any rooms for tonight. There's a convention going on in town, and uh, let's see. Yeah, no rooms. M: Ah come on! You must have something. Anything. W: Well. Let me check my computer here. Ah! There has been a cancellation for this evening. (20) A honeymoon suite is now available. M: Great. I'll take it. W: But I'll have to charge you two hundred fifty dollars for the night.
21 How did the woman make up for the inconvenience she had caused the man?
M: Ah. I should get a discount for the inconvenience. W: Well. (21) The best I can give you is a ten percent discount plus a ticket for a free breakfast. M: Hey. Isn't the breakfast free anyway? W: Well, only on weekends. M: Okay. That'll Be fine.
22 What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
[听力原文]22-25 W: Good evening and welcome to tonight's program. Our guest is the world-renowned Dr. Charles Adams, who has sparked a great deal of attention over the past several years for (22) his research in the area of language learning. His new book, Learning a Language over Eggs and Toast, has been on the best seller list for the past six weeks. Welcome to our program. M: Ah, it's a pleasure to be here.
23 According to the man,what is the important point in learning a foreign language?
W: Now, Dr. Adams. Tell us about the title of your book, Learning a Language over Eggs and Toast. M: Well, (22) one of the most important keys to learning another language is to (23) establish a regular study program, like planning a few minutes every morning around breakfast time.
24 What does the man suggest in his book?
W: So what are some of the basic keys you are suggesting in the hook? M: Well, as I just mentioned, people need to plan out their study (24) by setting realistic and attainable goals from the beginning. And small steps, little by little, are the key.

25 What can we learn about the learning style from the conversation?
W: Now you mentioned something about maximizing your learning potential (25) by learning about your own individual learning styles. Can you elaborate on that? M: Sure. People often have (25) different ways of learning and approach learning tasks differently. Some people are visual learners who prefer to see models of the patterns they are expected to learn; others are auditory learners who favor hearing instructions, for example, over reading them. W: Well, Dr. Adams. What is your learning style? M: Well, I'm a very tactile learner. W: You mean one who learns through hands-on experience? M: Exactly. W: Okay. We have just heard from Dr. Charles Adams, author of the book, Learning Languages over Eggs and Toast. Thanks for joining us. M: My pleasure.
1. 数字、价格运算题;
注意:在听音的时候,要区分十几和几(重音);fifty, sixty;
对于大数字要敏感 <<step by step >>
数字价格运算过程的一些表示加减的 动词:
spare, save(减);
plus, extra(加);









9.人物动作题:某人做了什么,做过什么,将要做什么 What happened to sb.?

W: Did you go shopping this afternoon?
M: Yes, but all I got was a sore foot.
Q: What does the man mean?

A) He didn't buy anything.
B) He got some medicine for his foot.
C) He was sick and could't go shopping.
D) He bought everything except the football.
sore 酸痛的;sore point 痛处;

W: This school is lucky to have a teacher as good as Prof. Helen Janson.
M: She is one in a million.
Q: What does the man mean? a

A) Teachers like Professor Janson are rare.
B) Professor Janson has won a million dollars.
C) Professor Janson is likely to be teaching at that school.
D) There are many teachers as good as Professor Janson.

注:one in a million 百里挑一
场景题 十个场景中,四个大场景+六个小场景, 以及若干零碎场景中常见的
(1)杂志场景(magazine, journal, periodical, back number, issue, current issue, latest number);
--I'm sorry. I've lost the magazine you've lend me the other day.
--That's all right. It's only a back number.
--(That's all right. But it's a rare one.)
--What does the woman mean?
back number (issue) 过期刊物
unless: 除非(有条件)
put on reserve:(书)被限制在馆内阅读
wild reserve: 野生动物保护区
let out:外借

My book is due this Friday.
My book is over due.
pay a fine
2. 大学场景:(人、课、钱)
junior student: 大三学生; freshman: 大一学生
sophomore: 大学二年级生, 有二年经验的;senior student: 大四学生,高年级学生
senior citizen: 老年人; undergraduate: 本科生; postgraduate: 研究生
faculty: 全体教职员工; staff: 全体员工(商店、企业);professor: 教授
tutor:(大学)指导教师;家庭教师;private tutor:私人导师;lecturer: 讲师
take ... course: 选课;required course: 必修课程;optional course:选修课
credit: 学分;essay: 小论文;thesis: 论文;term paper: 学期报告;finals: 期末考试 dissertation: 学位论文,博士生论文;deadline: 最终期限;extension: 延期 mid-term: 期中考试;quiz: 测验;fail: 失败;pass: 通过;
bachelor's degree: 学士学位;master's degree: 硕士学位;doctorial degree:博士学位
tuition fee: 学费;scholarship: 奖学金;TA (teaching assistant): 助教
fellowship: 助学金;disqualify: 使丧失资格
3. 餐馆场景
cafe: 咖啡馆;bar: 酒吧;pub: 酒馆, 客栈;inn: (尤指乡村或公路边的)旅馆
motel: 汽车旅馆;
restaurant: 酒店;dessert: 甜点;go Dutch: 各人付自己的帐 =Let's split it.;It's my treat. 我请客。Halloween:万圣节;Treat or trick? tip: 小费
pay the bill. 付账单;pay the check. 付账单;tips: 贴示,建议
4. 医院场景:
surgeon: 外科;physician: 内科;treatment: 治疗;operation: 手术
fracture: 骨折;ankle: 脚踝;flu: 流感;heart attack: 心脏病;faint: 昏迷
ICU (Intensive care unit): 特护病房;visiting hours: 探视时间
5. 银行场景;
account: 户头;open an account:开户;deposit: 存款;bank book: 存折
credit card: 信用卡;overdraw: 透支;ATM (Automatic Teller Machine):自动提款机
interest rate:利率;
6. post office 邮局场景:
EMS (Express Mail): 快递;air mail: 航空邮件;postage: 邮资;package: 小包裹 =parcel
UPS (United Parcel Service): 联合包裹快递服务;overweight: 超重
send a telegram: 发电报 =send a cable

7. air port 机场场景
flight: 航班;飞行;board: 登机;take off: 起飞;land: 降落
check in: 安检,登记;behind schedule: 晚点(到达)
on schedule: 准点(到达);fare: (票)钱


(be) booked up: 订满
(be) occupied: 被占用了
room service: 客房服务
check in: 登记入住手续
check out: 结账离开

9. 打电话场景:

operator: 接线生;The line is busy/engaged. 线路忙;
long distance call: 长途电话
collect call: 对方付费电话;
put sb. through: 把电话接通

lease: 契约;leak: 漏水;
roofing company: 铺屋顶的公司;
cut off: 停(水、气、电)
black out: 黑得伸手不见五指;
moving company: 搬家公司
第1个回答  2008-06-07
多做历年真题就没什么大问题了 不需要买很多书 历年真题的书籍一定要买交通大学出版社的书哦 因为英语四六级是他们总负责的 他们出的书最具有权威性的 只要买一本就行了
想要通过考试只要抓住听力和阅读的分数就可以了 毕竟这两部分的比率加起来就70%了
听力就是多练习多听 最好就是把听到的每字每句都听写下来 这个要比你单纯做听力题目进步更快哦 不要求数量上达到多少 但至少质量上一定要过关 听力没什么捷径 只能考自己练习 天天练习哦
阅读的话是有规律的哦 六级的阅读答案基本就在文章里而且是按照顺序下来的 很容易找到 你可以先拿篇阅读看完答案然后去文章找相关语句 就会发现这个规律了哦 考试的时候要先看题目再去文章中找答案 不然时间来不及的哦
如果有多余时间就多背些高频率单词和有用的句型 对作文和翻译有好处 不过如果没有时间的话 建议把大学英语上课的书中的单词看下 混个眼熟哦本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2008-06-07