where is the computer room?it's_____________ the first floor

where is the computer room?it's_____________ the first floor

on the first floor 固定用法‘ 在一楼’ 用in填的同学有很多,他们的理解是 微机室应在一楼里,为什么不能用in呢, 其实不光是这个词组介词的选择上容易发生混淆,其他的词组也有很多,比如说 we‘ met for the first time 。我们第一次见面,在这句话中 ,也有很多同学 填写成了at ,in 。所以 ,对于这种类型的词组,没有窍门,只能背, 最后,我建议你能够在这方面做一个整理,毕竟词组很重要,只能对你说声,加油吧
第1个回答  2013-02-08
on the first floor 固定用法‘ 在一楼’ ( 注意:如果是在房间里用IN

第2个回答  2013-02-08
It's on the first floor.
It's just the way people say it. I guess you have to memorize this one.
i.e. There is a bookstore ON the first floor.
My office is ON the 2nd floor.
There is a gym ON the 3rd floor.
You just have to use ON.

I hope this helps.
第3个回答  2013-02-08
on the first floor 固定用法‘ 在一楼’