
1 The first of the two ships to reach Java after the race had begun was the Thermopylae, but on the Indian Ocean, the Cutty Sark took the lead.
2 In August, she was struck by a very heavy storm during which her rudder was torn away.
3 After crossing the equator , the captain called in at a port to have a new rudder fitted, but by now the Thermopylae was over 500 miles ahead.

1 The first of the two ships ( 主语) to reach Java (定语) after the race had begun ( 时间状语从句) was ( 系动词 )the Thermopylae ( 表语 ),主系表 结构句子
but ( 转折连词引导并列句 )on the Indian Ocean,( 状语) the Cutty Sark (主语) took (谓语 )the lead.(宾语)主谓宾结构句子

2 In August,( 时间状语 ) she ( 主语)was struck ( 谓语) by a very heavy storm (状语) during which her rudder was torn away. (定语从句 修饰storm) .这是个主谓宾结构的被动句)
3 After crossing the equator (介词短语 作状语), the captain (主语)called in (谓语 ) at a port (地点状语) to have a new rudder fitted (动词不定式短语 作目的状语),主谓结构的句子
but ( 转折连词,引导并列句) by now ( 时间状语) the Thermopylae ( 主语) was ( 系动词)over 500 miles ahead ( 表语).主系表结构的句子
第1个回答  2013-08-21
{主语The first of the two ships (从句to reach Java after the race had begun)(谓语was)(宾语the Thermopylae, }

(并列连词but )

第二句{状语on the Indian Ocean, (主语the Cutty Sark)(谓语took )(宾语the lead.)}

In August, (主语she) (谓语was struck) (宾语by a very heavy storm)(时间状语 during which her rudder was torn away.)

{(时间状语)After crossing the equator , (主语)the captain (谓语)called in (地点壮语)at a port (目的状语)to have a new rudder fitted,} but (时间状语)by now (主语)the Thermopylae was over 500 miles ahead.