请大神帮忙翻译一个邮件成英文 不要机译 急 酬谢!

1 作为公司物品申报,由于电脑属于强制性商品,需要去商检局办理3C证书,办证需要提供很多的文件并且很难办出证来,UPS不建议我们这样做。
2 作为个人物品申报,由于2台电脑无论是数量(2台)还是产品价值(发票金额超过了CNY1000),都超过了个人自用的合理范围,所以过不了海关,无法入境,需要

3 退运。同样,退回需要我们提供很多文件,并需要寄件方与国外UPS联系,授权给中国UPS做此动作,退运有运费产生。下次分开寄,价值在1000以下,就ok了。


Dear XXX,

Good day to you.
Last Friday UPS informed us they had one new shipment. First, please kindly confirm if the shipments are two computes or not. If yes, due to the special commodity, please advise to us how to declare to the customs.

The following info are for your easily checking.
1. To declare the shipments to the customs as the company item. If so, since the compute belongs to mandatory items, the client needs go to Commodity Inspection Bureau and issue certificate of 3C. But please note that to issue such certificate, the clients need to provide many relative documents and even so, it’s still hard to issue it successfully. So UPS don’t suggest us to declare in this way.

2. To declare the shipments to the customs as the personal effects. But as per the rule, no matter the quantity(two pcs) or the commercial value(invoice value should not exceed CNY1000 ) all exceeds the reasonable scope for personal use. So the client won’t be able to pass the customs smoothly and can’t enter into the country. This needs the client to abandon part of the effects. It means to abandon one compute. This is ridiculous but it is the actual case.

3. To return the shipment. But this also needs the clients to provide many documents. Besides, the sender needs to get in touch with UPS abroad and request them to authorize China UPS to arrange accordingly. There would occur freight charge.

Next time, please send the shipment to us separately and the value is less than CNY1000. In this way, we could avoid this case.

Hope above is clear for you. Should you have any questions, please always feel free to contact us.

Please kindly give us your instruction. Anyway, we would try our best to assist you for successful customs declaration. Thanks a lot.
第1个回答  2014-06-03
On Friday we had a UPS notification to the ticket goods, the products, the content is rather special, make sure the product content is 2 computers, and please advise what form reporting.

The first method : items declared as a company, because the computer is mandatory commodities need to Commodity Inspection Bureau for 3C certificate, the application needs to provide a lot of documents and it is difficult to do a permit, UPS does not suggest that we do so.

The second way :declaration as personal belongings, as two computers both in quantity (2) or product value (invoice amount exceeds the CNY1000), are more than reasonable for personal use, it can not go through customs, not immigration, you need to you give up some of the goods, simply put, is to give up a computer. It's irrational, but it does that is the case.

The third way: returned. Similarly, we need to provide a lot of documents returned, and the need to contact the sender to foreign UPS, UPS authorized to China to do this, have returned shipping fee. Next sent separately, the value of 1000 or less ok.

Please reply as soon as possible, I will try to help you anyway declaration, thank you