dress、have on、put on、pull on、wear、in、with的区别?谢谢...


have on ( = be wearing ) 穿 ( 戴 ) 着,表示状态,无进行时态,但有动词 - ing 短 语形式。例如:

The man having nothing on walked in the wools .

put on 表示穿的动作,wear 表示穿的状态。两者后均跟表示服装的名词作宾语,wear 还可 以表示戴手表,眼镜,首饰,花等。in 表示穿的状态,但它除接表示服装的名词外,还可接表示 颜色的名词。例如:

He put on his raincoat and soon disappeared in the rain .

The man , wearing black glasses , is in blue .

dress 既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词,后面只能跟表示人的名词 或代词 ( 表示自己穿衣时用反身代词 ) ,不能跟表示服装的名词。例如:

After the bath , he dressed himself .

She hurriedly dressed her daughter and took her to the zoo .

The beggar was poorly dressed .

( 过去分词 dressed 用作表语,表示穿的状态。 )

Get up and dress quickly .

pull on , have on , put on 均为“动词 + 副词”构成的短语动词,这类短语动词当其后 的宾语为名词时既可放在两词中间,也可放在副词后;若其后的宾语为代词时,则宾语只能放在 两词中间,如“你今天不必戴帽子。”可译为:

You don't need to put on your cap today .

You don't need to put it on today . ( “it” refers to “your cap” here ; We can't say “put on it” )
第1个回答  2013-08-22
put on、have on、pull on:穿上,表示还没穿,指穿的动作