
in line with
consist with
in accordance with
in compliance with
in conformity with

in line with 意思是:和……成一条直线 和……一致 ,
consist with的中文解释:动词解释有以下几种:与...一致 consist in 在于,存在于…之中 consist of v.由...组成 consist with v.与...一致 consist of sth 由...组成, 由...所构成, 包括... in accordance with英语翻译成中文: 依照;依据in conformity with的中文翻译: 和...相适应, 和...一致[符合]; 遵照1. in conformity with sth :following the rules of sth;conforming to sth
eg: regulations that are in conformity with European law
2. in accordance with sth (formal) :according to a rule or the way that sb says that sth should be done
eg:in accordance with legal requirements
◆ We acted in accordance with my parents' wishes.
3. in compliance (with sth) (written) :the practice of obeying rules or requests made by people in authority
eg:procedures that must be followed to ensure full compliance with the law
◆ Safety measures were carried out in compliance with paragraph 6 of the building regulations.
第1个回答  2013-08-27
Question de nuiance...je donne ma langue au chat!!!