


South America is the abbreviation for South America, which is located in the Western Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. 

It faces the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and the Caribbean Sea to the north. 

The North and North America are bounded by the Panama Canal, and the South and Antarctica are across the Drake Strait.

South America is the fourth largest continent on land with a land area of 17.84 million square kilometers. 

The Andes are almost throughout western South America and have the highest mountain in the Americas, the Aconcagua Mountains. 

The eastern part of the Andes is the vast Amazonian basin, covering more than 7 million square kilometers, most of which are tropical rainforests.

Brazil is the largest and most powerful country in South America.


南美洲(South America)是南亚美利加洲的简称,位于西半球、南半球。东临大西洋,西临太平洋,北临加勒比海。北部和北美洲以巴拿马运河为界,南部和南极洲隔德雷克海峡相望。










第1个回答  2013-09-06
South Asia, South America is referred to as american Chau is located in the western hemisphere, the east is the Atlantic Ocean, bounded by land to the Panama Canal and North America, with points, the south across the sea and Antarctica. South America, the total area of 17,970,000 square kilometers (including nearby islands), the world's total land area of 12%. About 325 million population of the world's total population of 5.6%.

South America there are 12 independent state.

In addition, French Guiana and the Malvinas Islands (United Kingdom and Argentina in the dispute, the United Kingdom Falkland Islands that are actually controlled by the British).

A coastline of 28,700 kilometers of South America. Coast is more flat and less and the Gulf Islands.

The topography of the South American continent can be divided into three north-south direction of the tandem zones: the western strip of the Andes, the eastern part of the ups and downs for the wavy plateau, the central level for the vast lowland plains. Andes 9000 kilometers long, is the world's longest mountain range, mountain Aconcagua Stubbs 6960 meters sea cucumber is the highest peak in South America; the eastern highlands of Brazil, Guyana and Patagonia Plateau, of which the plateau area of Brazil five million square km, is the world's largest plateau; the central plains to the Orinoco, the Amazon and La Plata Plain Plain, is the world's largest alluvial plain.

Most parts of South America is a tropical rain forest and tropical highland climate, warm and humid.

Water to the Andes in South America as a watershed: Most of the source of the river west of urgent short-flow, flow into the Pacific Ocean alone; the east of the river most of a long history and numerous tributaries, water-rich, broad valley, a tributary of the Amazon more than 1000 km There are more than 20 so本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-09-06
.South America 所以说它的简介可以用SA来表示