

Faced with so many problems, they never gave up.面对如此多的问题,他们从未放弃。英语语法有一条规则:就是现在分词表主动;过去分词表被动,这已经是大家公认的规则了。,任何事物都有其特殊的现象和内在规律,英语亦然。在有些情况下,英语不表示被动,而是主动。例如:Faced with so many problems, they never gave up.面对如此多的问题,他们从未放弃。这个穿红色衣服的女人是他的姨妈。abandon yourself to沉湎settled in
prepare oneself for为做准备=be prepared for
recover oneself from 从病中中痊愈= be recovered from
Absorbed in the newspaper, he didn’t hear the bell. 他专心读报,连门铃也没听见。 ully recovered from his operation, he decided to leave the hospital.从他的手术完全恢复后,他决定离开医院。……怎么样”,表示人的心理或情绪变化。这类动词在句子中经常以过去分词的面貌出现,但在意思上却没有被动的意思。例如:
Satisfied with his result of the final examination, Tom was smiling all the time. 由于对期末考试结果很满意,汤姆乐得一直在笑。
Disappointed at her son’s behavior, she couldn’t sleep well all the time. 因对儿子的表现感到失望,她一直睡不好觉。
Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had mad a list of the sites she wanted to see in London. (P 14, Unit 2, Book 5) 因担心可用的时间有限,张萍玉事先列出了她计划在伦敦参观的景点。
常见的这类“使令性动词”有:satisfy, frighten, amuse, amaze, surprise, astonish, shock, bore, tire, delight, disappoint, discourage, encourage, excite, interest, annoy, fascinate, upset, puzzle, confuse, move, worry, inspire, embarrass, frustrate, please, fascinate, disturb, terrify, horrify, thrill, relax等,都有这种用法。
You find most of the population settled in the south. (P 10, Unit 2, Book 5) 你发现大部分人口定居在南方。
Located near the river, the chemical factory is ready to pour waste water into it and has caused much pollution. 由于坐落在河的附近,化工厂把废水倒入,造成污染。 他们发现一个小村庄坐落在森林,像片叶。amped in the field across the stream, we could go fishing during the day. 在,我们可以在白天去钓鱼。He was so absorbed in thought that he ran against a passerby.?他全神贯注地想心事,以至于和一个行人撞了个满怀。’s education. 她献身于人民的教育事业。
Tom was lost in thought. 汤姆陷入了沉思。
They were deeply buried in his work. 他们埋头工作。
We should be concerned about the growth of the young people.我们应当关心年轻人的成长。
You will soon be used/accustomed to the climate here.你不久就会习惯这里的气候的。
The child was addicted to computer games. 这孩子沉迷于电脑有游戏。
This bottle is filled with milk. 这个瓶子盛满了牛奶。
The room was crowded with people. 房间挤满了人。
The meeting hall was decorated with fresh flowers. 会议大厅装饰着鲜花。
That newly built plant is equipped with modern machines. 那家新建的工厂装备着现代化机器。