
序号 名称 价格 备注
1 黑椒牛扒 58
2 牦牛牛扒 88
3 银雪鱼扒
4 新西兰带骨羊扒 88
5 黑椒牛肉 38
6 中式铁板烧鱿鱼 28
西式铁板烧鱿鱼 28
8 日式茄子 18
9 铁板烧牛肉 38
10 XO酱炒牛肉 28
11 鲍斗银雪鱼 58
12 辣香牛肉 28
13 草原飘香羊排 68
14 鱿鱼卷 28
15 鱿鱼爪 28
16 飘香牛干巴 38
17 铁板烧咸鱼茄子 18
18 傣式牛干巴 38
19 韩式牛肉 38
20 墨西哥牛肉 28
21 玉米卷 25
22 烤菠菜(或南瓜)芝士派 26
23 碳烤鳗鱼 38
24 黑椒牛肉炒意面 28
25 黑椒牛肉炒空心粉 28
26 茄汁意面 28
27 茄汁空心粉 28
28 白汁腌肉意面 28
29 芝士烤土豆片 36
30 西芹百合 28
31 意大利猪肉串 38
32 羊肉串 28
33 土豆条 22
34 醇香培根 36
35 肉酱意面 28
1 沙丁鱼色拉 22
2 蔬菜色拉 18
3 水果色拉 18
4 番茄芝士色拉 22

名称 价格 备注
1 罗宋汤 8
2 奶油蘑菇汤 8
3 美式南瓜汤 8
4 潮州菜汤 8
5 番茄蛋汤 18
6 黄瓜蛋汤 18
苦菜汤 18
1 水果批萨 25 48
2 夏威夷之光 28 58
3 腌肉批萨 28 58
4 时蔬批萨 25 38
1 牛肉汉堡 33
2 鸡蛋汉堡 28
3 鸡肉汉堡 38
4 香肠汉堡 38
5 法式面包 12
6 黄油蒜香草面包 18

1 小瓜 18
2 土豆 18
3 藕 18
4 蘑菇 18
5 豆腐 18
1 道士炒饭 28
2 泰士炒饭 28
3 辣香牛肉炒 28
4 姜汁牛肉炒饭 28
5 咖喱牛肉烩饭 28
1 巧克力冰淇淋 15
2 香草冰淇淋 15
3 草莓冰淇淋 15
下面这位朋友翻译的是拼音吧,有那们朋友能帮我翻译成英语的,谢谢了.翻译好了,稍后加分. 大家看看,谁的更对.

第1个回答  2008-06-24
第2个回答  2008-06-25
第3个回答  2008-06-25
Main courses
1 Heijiaoniupa 58
2 yak Niupa 88
3 silver Xueyu expense
4 New Zealand sheep bones expense 88
5 Heijiao beef 38
6 Chinese Teppanyaki squid 28
7 Western-style teppanyaki squid 28
8 Japanese Eggplant 18
9 Teppanyaki beef 38
10 XO sauce fried beef 28
11 Powell Doo-Xueyu 58
12-spicy beef 28
13 grassland fragrance Yangpai 68
14 Youyu Juan 28
15 squid 28 feet
16 fragrance cattle Ganba 38
17 Teppanyaki salted fish eggplant 18
18 Dai-38 cattle Ganba
19 Korean beef 38
20 Mexico 28 beef
21 corn Volume 25
22 grilled spinach (or pumpkins) were 26 cheese
23 carbon Kao Manyu 38
24 Heijiao beef fried Italian-28
25 Heijiao beef fried hollow powder 28
26 Jiazhi Italy-28
27 Jiazhi hollow powder 28
28 Baizhiyanrou Italy-28
29 cheese baked potatoes-36
30 Celery Lily 28
31 Italian pork Series 38
32 lamb Series 28
33 potatoes 22
34 mellow Bacon 36
35 Roujiang Italy-28

1 sardine salad 22
2 vegetable salad 18
3 fruit salad 18
4 tomato cheese salad 22

1 Luosong Tang 8
2 butter mushroom soup 8
3 American pumpkin soup 8
4 Chiu Chow-8
5 tomato Dantang 18
6 cucumber Dantang 18
7 bitter Caitang 18

Savimbi approved
1 fruit grant Savimbi 25 48
2 of the Hawaii-28 58
3 Arou approved Savimbi 28 58
4 Savimbi, the center approved 25 38

1 beef Hamburg 33
2 eggs Hamburg 28
3 chicken Hamburg 38
4 sausage Hamburg 38
5 French bread 12
6 Suanxiang grass butter bread 18

1 small melon 18
2 potatoes 18
3 lotus 18
4 mushrooms 18
5 tofu 18

Fried rice, rice Caterers
1 Taoist fried rice 28
2 Taishi fried rice 28
3 spicy-fried beef 28
4 Ginger beef fried rice 28
5 beef curry rice Caterers 28

Ice cream
1 chocolate ice cream 15
2 vanilla ice cream 15
3 strawberry ice cream 15
第4个回答  2008-06-25
第5个回答  2008-06-25
Main courses
1 Heijiaoniupa 58
2 yak Niupa 88
3 silver Xueyu expense
4 New Zealand sheep bones expense 88
5 Heijiao beef 38
6 Chinese Teppanyaki squid 28
7 Western-style teppanyaki squid 28
8 Japanese Eggplant 18
9 Teppanyaki beef 38
10 XO sauce fried beef 28
11 Powell Doo-Xueyu 58
12-spicy beef 28
13 grassland fragrance Yangpai 68
14 Youyu Juan 28
15 squid 28 feet
16 fragrance cattle Ganba 38
17 Teppanyaki salted fish eggplant 18
18 Dai-38 cattle Ganba
19 Korean beef 38
20 Mexico 28 beef
21 corn Volume 25
22 grilled spinach (or pumpkins) were 26 cheese
23 carbon Kao Manyu 38
24 Heijiao beef fried Italian-28
25 Heijiao beef fried hollow powder 28
26 Jiazhi Italy-28
27 Jiazhi hollow powder 28
28 Baizhiyanrou Italy-28
29 cheese baked potatoes-36
30 Celery Lily 28
31 Italian pork Series 38
32 lamb Series 28
33 potatoes 22
34 mellow Bacon 36
35 Roujiang Italy-28

1 sardine salad 22
2 vegetable salad 18
3 fruit salad 18
4 tomato cheese salad 22

1 Luosong Tang 8
2 butter mushroom soup 8
3 American pumpkin soup 8
4 Chiu Chow-8
5 tomato Dantang 18
6 cucumber Dantang 18
7 bitter Caitang 18

Savimbi approved
1 fruit grant Savimbi 25 48
2 of the Hawaii-28 58
3 Arou approved Savimbi 28 58
4 Savimbi, the center approved 25 38

1 beef Hamburg 33
2 eggs Hamburg 28
3 chicken Hamburg 38
4 sausage Hamburg 38
5 French bread 12
6 Suanxiang grass butter bread 18

1 small melon 18
2 potatoes 18
3 lotus 18
4 mushrooms 18
5 tofu 18

Fried rice, rice Caterers
1 Taoist fried rice 28
2 Taishi fried rice 28
3 spicy-fried beef 28
4 Ginger beef fried rice 28
5 beef curry rice Caterers 28

Ice cream
1 chocolate ice cream 15
2 vanilla ice cream 15
3 strawberry ice cream 15