

<<一叶障目>>有个书呆子从古书上读到“蝉翳叶”的故事,信以为真,就四处寻找,把蝉躲藏处的树叶全部摘下,拿回家遮脸作试验,问妻子能不能看见他。妻子气愤说看不见。他就拿这片树叶去街上行窃,被抓后说:“我一叶障目,你们能看见吗?” There is a nerd from the ancient books to read the story of the cicada shade leaves,Believed to look far, the cicadas hiding in the leaves all off,Cover the face as a take-home test, asked his wife can see him. Angry that his wife could not see. He took to the streets to steal this piece of leaf,After being arrested, said: I blinders, you can see it?
第1个回答  2013-07-24


平原君回到赵国后感慨地说:“毛先生一至楚,而使楚重于九鼎大吕The warring states, qin army surround the zhao4 guo2's nagara handan, the situation was very urgent, zhao monarch king appointed plain gentleman filial piety to go begging. To chu Plain going to lead 20 to finish the mission, and, MenKe already picked the nineteenth, still less a name shall not come down. At this time, MAO hence proposed to go, plain herassessment salt, reluctantly prince took him went to chu. Plain gentleman to chu immediately after the king talked with the assistance zhao ", talked about the along while also no results. At this time, for the king hair wait, said: "we come here today you send reinforcements, you say, you don't forget, chu although soldiers much bigger, but repeatedly defeats, even countries and lost, in my opinion, chu need more than zhao4 guo2's combined resistance to qin!" Hair wait goes speak oral needs, immediately promised king mullen aassistance zhao. Plain gentleman zhao4 guo2's back after regrets ground say: "hair sir, which enables one to chu chu heavier than the nine tripods big lu."
第2个回答  2013-07-24
Emperor Xuanzong in Tanh dynasty (Li Longji) Ministry of War Shangshu Li Linfu, by talent and skill, is also good, a character, the picture is very good; But he serves as an official actually not the honest management, but makes one concession after another and caters to Xuanzong's meaning. Not only so, he also uses an improper method to become friends with the Xuanzong trusted subordinate the officials and the imperial concubine. Therefore, his Xuanzong's favor and trust, has been a court official very much has been 19 year official. Li Linfu and the average person contact. Also always displays and the human in the appearance is very friendly, cooperates, between lips and said that completely all may speak pleasantly to hear, the good intentions words. But in fact, his personality and his superficial manner are completely opposite; He is unexpectedly one very sly sinister, plays a dirty trick the human who frequently the idea injures someone. But, unprincipled person, although sometimes may result in the goal which reaches injures someone, flaunts the deceitful stratagem in for a while, the day has been long, others have discovered his this kind of hypocrisy, therefore everybody then in the hinderland said that he “the mouth has the honey, the abdomen to have the sword”. Is: On mouth happy, in the heart the sharp sword injures someone. the Tang Dynasty also has one to make the book vice minister's Li Yi government office, the ordinary motion and the expression, appear are upright and are temperate; Moreover he, no matter speaks with who, always certainly first open the mouth to smile, displays very sincere and the good appearance. Actually his heart both are unkind, and is deceitful, often uses the sinister strategy to injure someone. The day has been long, others had also discovered his this kind of mask, in the hinderland said that he “smiles has the knife”. looks like Li Linfu and Li Yi government office such person is very fearful, because also thinks in one way and behaves in another, if is not careful, then must be swindled suffers injury. Not only therefore “hypocritical and malicious” is a good idiom, moreover may make the abstention word which we make friends. although “hypocritical and malicious” and “hides a dagger in a smile” stems from two person's two stories, but its meaning is the same, is described that the human hypocritical and thinks in one way and behaves in another sends; Outside displays is very good, asks for the person favorable impression very much, makes one to be willing to become friends with, but is actually at heart thought that the bad idea computation person, plots to murder the human. 翻译谢谢
第3个回答  2013-07-24
Sun jing to luoyang TaiXue studies, all day reading, often neglected. Time is long, will also tired straight off, he will find a rope, a tied in a bundle of beams, go up in the hair, when he is reading slumber, head one low, rope will pull live hair, hurt scalp, person nature is also not sleepy, good again continue reading and study. From then on, every night reading, he was in this way, this is sun jing "hang beam" story.Su qin Because in QinShi day too long, that includes will try to return home to rags. Relatives saw him so way down, to him the cold shoulder. Su shame), determined to study hard, he took out the master gave his book, night and day, Yin operator cram up. When reading he prepared a awls a nap, and with an awl unto his lap thorn, force yourself to wake up, my reading. This kind of up to a year slimming, he again to travel around. This finally persuaded qi, chu, swallow, Korea, zhao wei GeZong "resistance", qin, and holds the six-nation phase imprint. Su contracting states, unite against qin, cast longitudinal book of the covenant to qin, make qin2 wang2 dare not peep letter valley 15 years shut. This is su "stab" story. 孙敬到洛阳太学求学,每天从早到晚读书,常常废寝忘食。时间久了,也会疲倦得直打瞌睡,他便找了一根绳子,一头绑在房梁上,一头束在头发上,当他读书打盹时,头一低,绳子就会扯住头发,弄疼头皮,人自然也就不瞌睡了,好再继续读书学习。从此,每天晚上读书时,他都用这种办法,这就是孙敬“悬梁”的故事。 苏秦由于在秦时日太久,以致盘缠将尽,只好衣衫褴褛地返回家中。亲人见他如此落泊,都对他十分冷淡。苏秦羞愧难当,下决心用功学习,便拿出师傅送给他的《阴符》一书,昼夜苦读起来。读书时他准备了一把锥子,一打瞌睡,便用锥子往自己的大腿上刺,强迫自己清醒过来,专心读书。如此这般坚持了一年,他再次周游列国。这次终于说服齐、楚、燕、韩、赵、魏“合纵”抗秦,并手握六国相印。苏秦缔约六国,联合抗秦,投纵约书予秦,使秦王不敢窥函谷关达15年之久。这就是苏秦“刺股”的故事。