
You have a friend who is about to enter university, and he he wants you to give him some advice on which major to choose: history, in which he is interested in or computer science, which indicates better job prospects

习作原文 根据提示和要求完成短文. 提示: 你是Percy,今天拿到了成绩单.当你看到年中英语成绩是,感到很紧张. 成绩很令人失望.但是你想学好,可是不知该怎么办.你现在的困惑:现在的课本Go For It太难了,有那么多的单词和短语要记;有时你会说,但是到写时有却忘记了;说,听的方面好些,但是读的方面较差;有时做家庭作业是抄别人的;为此你请教你的英语老师Martin帮助你,请他向你提一些建议来提高英语成绩.

Dear Martin, This is Percy. Today I got my report. I was very nerous. My report card was disappointing this time. But I want to study English well. I don’t know what to do. I think this English book go for it is very difficult. There are many worlds to remember. Sometime, I can speak English , but when I wrote worlds, I forgot this worlds. My reading is very bad. And my listening and speaking are better than my reading. Sometimes, I copy anyone’s hpmework. My English achivement is really very bad. So, please give me some advices.
Thank you very much. Please write to me soon. I am looking forward to it. Yours
Percy 批 改 老 师 Autumn 评 分 88分级 别优秀批 改 1.nerous书写错误,改为nervous. 2.My report card表达没有错误,但是英语中忌讳重复使用一个词,可以用it代替。 3.go for it,是一本书的名字,应该用引号引上。 4.worlds不是单词的意思,应该改写为words. 5.Sometime意思是某时,而不是有时,应该改为sometimes. 6.bad 可以修饰reading,换成weak就更生动。 7.my reading可以用it代替。 8.anyone's hpmework应该改写为someone's homework. 9.advice是不可数名词,所以advice的单数和复数一样。 从这篇作文看出该同学没有觉察到自己在单词书写上出现的错误,他写错的单词都很简单,元音可能是高度紧张,使自己的记忆中产生了似是而非的印象,这一点大家在也经常出现,希望大家能引以为戒,在写完作文后,在时间允许的情况下,将自己的作品重新认真的读一读,尽可能的减少不应该出现的错误. 作文是黑体部分啊
第1个回答  2013-08-10

Dear Lindan
you said you didn't have any friend in the high school.don't worry ,you just need some try.
maybe you can talk more with you classmates.and make you look friendly.try to be more outgoing,then the others will like you.helping others is also a great way.they will think you are a good friend.
high school is a important part of our development.in some ways,it's different from middle school.although it'very diffcult,you shuold adaptation it.
try your best,i'm sure you will get over it!本回答被网友采纳