make it possible的用法区别是什么?


这道题我会,我可以帮忙解答哦😁,先给大家总结一下 make it possible和make possible 的区别:

    "Make it possible" 强调在特定情况下采取行动或做出改变,以实现特定目标或使某事变得可能,而 "make possible" 则是一个普通的动词短语,用来描述行为或措施使某事成为可能,通常没有特定的名词补充。

在通过一个表格来了解一下 make it possible和make possible 吧😎:

欧克,最后再来一波 make it possible和make possible 的具体区别🤞:

区别1: 词序和用法

- "make it possible" 是一个固定词组,其中 "it" 是形式主语,用来引导后面的不定式短语,表示使某事成为可能。

- "make possible" 是由动词 "make" 和形容词 "possible" 组成的结构,表示使某事成为可能,但没有 "it" 作为形式主语。


1. The new technology will make it possible to communicate with people around the world instantly. (新技术将使得与世界各地的人们即时交流成为可能。)

2. The team's hard work made it possible for them to win the championship. (团队的努力使他们赢得了冠军成为可能。)


1. The government's investment in infrastructure makes possible the development of remote areas. (政府对基础设施的投资使得偏远地区的发展成为可能。)

2. The new policy makes possible the expansion of renewable energy projects. (新政策使得可再生能源项目的扩展成为可能。)

区别2: 语气和语义

- "make it possible" 带有一种强调性质,暗示特别关注使某事成为可能的过程。

- "make possible" 更为常规和中性,只简单地表达某事能够实现。


1. The generous donations from the community made it possible for the school to build a new library. (社区的慷慨捐款使学校能够建设一个新图书馆,强调关注捐款带来的结果。)

2. The use of advanced technology makes it possible for the company to improve its efficiency. (先进技术的应用使公司能够提高效率,强调技术的作用。)


1. The clear instructions make possible the successful assembly of the furniture. (清晰的说明使得家具的成功组装成为可能。)

2. Collaboration between different departments makes possible the smooth operation of the organization. (不同部门之间的合作使得组织的顺利运作成为可能。)

区别3: 强调程度

- "make it possible" 稍微强调主体在实现某事方面的积极作用。

- "make possible" 更侧重于简单地说明某事是可能的。


1. Her determination and hard work made it possible for her to overcome the challenges and achieve her dream. (她的决心和努力使她能够克服挑战,实现她的梦想。)

2. The support and encouragement from her family made it possible for her to pursue higher education. (家人的支持和鼓励使得她能够追求高等教育。)


1. The availability of online resources makes possible self-learning and skill development. (在线资源的可用性使得自主学习和技能发展成为可能。)

2. The use of modern technology makes possible remote work and virtual collaboration. (现代技术的应用使得远程工作和虚拟合作成为可能。)

区别4: 用法和修饰范围

- "make it possible" 常用于具体的情况或特定的事件,特别强调使某事成为可能的因素。

- "make possible" 更广泛地用于描述一般性的可能性或广泛的情况。


1. The additional funding made it possible for the research team to conduct extensive experiments. (额外的资金使得研究团队能够进行大量实验,强调特定情况下的资金作用。)

2. Cooperation between the two countries made it possible to address the environmental challenges in the region. (两国之间的合作使得能够解决该地区的环境挑战,强调两国之间的合作关系。)


1. Advances in medical science make possible the treatment of previously incurable diseases. (医学科学的进步使得之前无法治愈的疾病得到治疗,强调一般性的科学进步。)

2. The development of renewable energy sources makes possible a transition to a greener and more sustainable future. (可再生能源的开发使得转向更环保和可持续的未来成为可能,强调一般性的能源开发。)
