put one's hands on造句


My mother put her hands on my head and encouraged me to study hard.
第1个回答  2013-05-02
I put one hand on his shoulder, comforting him after he finished the running even though he did not win.
第2个回答  2013-05-04
-I put one's hands on Tommy's shoulders to prank him
-I put one's hands on my hands to show how much I care/ love about him/her
-I put one's hands on his blanket to feel how silky and soft his blanket is

我从小就在外国长大。 如果你以后有什么英文问题就问我吧! xD
至于中文嘛。。额。。。 不是那么好, 但是如果你用简单的字我会懂的 xD
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