上古卷轴4 湮没贝尔纳的悬挂石头就是那个会发光的魔法石Welkynd Stone么?,如何获得,它挂在上面。


会发光的不一定是Welkynd Stone。也有一些特殊岩石 不过只是装饰 不是物品拿不了的。。
也有的Welkynd Stone会挂在高处
1 拿弓箭对准Welkynd Stone 把它射下来。。然后去地上捡
2 用魔法把它炸下来。。用范围大的魔法效果比较好。
3 杂技练到顶追问



角度不对。不要射石头正中 射偏上方一点。多射几次。。
不行就用大范围魔法炸 这个一般会把石头砸得不知道飞哪去

第1个回答  2013-04-19
Hit them with an arrow from the side. The angle from which you fire is important, because your arrow will knock the stone awayfrom you; if the stone is knocked behind the pedestal, it may be difficult to retrieve it. Because of this, you may want to consider saving before attempting this method.用箭射,角度很重要,否则有可能不好捡甚至捡不到
Use a Telekinesis spell.使用隔空取物术
High Acrobatics skill allows you to jump up and reach them; a 100 point Fortify Acrobatics spell will guarantee that you can jump high enough.杂技技能高一点,或者100点的加强杂技法术会让你跳得足够高
Glitch exploit: Drop a paintbrush and jump on it to get to the higher height利用bug,往一个比较高但是你能够到的地方扔颜料刷子。。。。。。然后跳上去(因为刷子会固定在你扔的地方,但是非官方补丁解决了这个bug)
Fire Damage or Shock Damage spells (for example, a custom spell with 3 points damage on target in a 10 foot area) cast at the wall behind the stone will create a mini-explosion that knocks the stone down.火系法术或者电系法术往石头后面的墙上打,制造爆炸把石头震下来
Jump and keep tapping the activate control in the hope that you'll snag it.最2B的方法,一直一边跳一边按激活键同时祈祷自己能刚好bingo