英语书面表达 高一

在学校,有许多针对学生的好规则,请写一篇短文,内容要求:⑴介绍一条你最赞同的规则,并陈述理由;⑵介绍一条你最反感的规则,并提出改进建议;⑶对规则的利弊做一个简单的小结。写100词左右,短文开头已给出:There are a great many ruies in our school.


School Rules

There are a great many ruies in our school. In our school we are supposed to do some right things. For example, we should do homework on time and wear school uniforms everyday. But most students don't like wearing school uniforms, because they think that they should have some different styles.
In class, we should listen carefully when the teacher is teaching us some new things. I think it's right for us to listen to the teachers carefuly in class. Because teacher is teaching us some important knowledge, but if we don't listen carefully, then we will lose it. So, in my opion, as a student, we should listen to the teacher carefully. And we should keep quiet. Don't influence anyone. On the other hand, we should be friendly if we don't want to lose our friendship. We should not be allowed to get ears pierced. Neither parents nor teachers agree with us to do it.
But it's the most upset for me to obey the rule that we are not allowed to take mobilephone to school. I think, mobilephone is important for us to communicate with others. If we don't take the mobilephone, our parents will not be able to get in touch with us in time. But we need them to bring lunch for us. So, I think we should be allowed to take the mobilephone to school, but we should use it in class.
Every school has different rules. But I think the rules must be more personalized and more scientific for us to obey.
